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May God let me to get there, aamiin!

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Ya Allah, pengen sukses bahagia dunia akhirat hehe

Ini jugaa!! Ah Allah baik banget

After the pandemic is over okkk

Beneran dong. Padahal udah lupa kalo aku nulis ini😭

Alya Reposted

independent woman saat berkarir and well educated mother saat berkeluarga ofc

Entah kenapa sedih ngeliat situasi Indonesia sekarang

W cinta bgt sama skripsian sejak awal prosesnya ampe sidang hari ini aaaaa!!!

Well, unless it's "citizen vs gov" case in the context of demanding rights on ECESR

Is it fair when passivity is rewarded by active punishment? I think, in a world full of subjectivity of expression, you can't challenge someone's action just because you don't like it, while that person never attacked you actively and directly. It's such a weird thing to do.

Alya Reposted

kadang ngeluh pengen punya pacar tuh bukan beneran pengen punya pacar, tapi latah aja karna abis baca au atau abis nonton drakor.

Full of joy, yeayyy!!

August, bersahabat yaa

Jadi, kalian2 ini hidup kah di twitter?😭

Alya Reposted

Dari zaman Nabi Adam sampai sekarang.. tujuan manusia hidup ga pernah berubah.. ibadah.. Jadikan pekerjaan apapun itu sebagai ibadah.. insyaaAllah meaningful

August, bersahabat yaa

Since internship day-1 : no more alya bocil w 'alya behavior'

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Gonna put some friends around me; new books

Do you know what saved my life? Books. The studies, experiences, stories of others for centuries — all written for us to learn from. Find the answers to your questions there. You will likely find them, as we humans in fact have all suffered and found joy in quite similar ways.

Rasanya kek sendiri di bumi


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