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Alice Giannini


Assistant prof in criminal law @MaastrichtU researching on AI 🤖 Proud @Stra_Li_ member

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Alice Giannini Reposted

@SOSMedItalia smentisce una ricostruzione dell’attivitá delle ONG del quotidiano Libero ripreso da FdI sulla base di uno sconosciuto documento del Viminale, ennesimo attacco alle ONG. Continueremo a difendere SOS nella propria imprescindibile attività di SALVATAGGIO.

Grave che una testata nazionale offra ai propri lettori informazioni fuorvianti, gravissimo che tali narrazioni siano riprese dall'account di un partito di governo. Allarmante che tali informazioni siano in presunti "documenti ministeriali". @Stra_Li_ sosmediterranee.it/2024/11/14/sos…

👀I’m hiring a PhD Candidate for my newest research project “Adjudicating Criminal Liability in Multifactorial Technological Scenarios”. ➡️Check out the vacancy here: vacancies.maastrichtuniversity.nl/job/Maastricht… #vacancy #phd #criminallaw

Alice Giannini Reposted

Today important meeting @lawinmaastricht on the @icc Prosecutor’s arrest warrants in the situation in the State of Palestine. Great animated discussion.

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So proud of leading such an incredible research team! @Stra_Li_⚡️🏹

Check out the recently published pre-litigation research from @Stra_Li_ outlining a strategic path to challenge the use of facial recognition tech by law enforcement and judicial authorities in Italy. You can access the report below 👇: strali.org/comesalvarsila…

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New in! Happy to have contributed to the newest edition of “Cybercrime” with a chapter on corporate criminal liability models vis-à-vis criminal liability of AI systems.

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Alice Giannini Reposted

None of us is safer when we're subjected to biometric mass surveillance. I'm counting on @Europarl_EN to ban RBI in all its forms + biometric categorisation + emotion recognition. #ReclaimYourFace

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“Brain drain”.

Ansiosi, sottopagati e con un futuro incerto: è questo il quadro che la X indagine nazionale @ADIPhD restituisce delle condizioni dei circa 45000 dottorandi e dottorande italiani. Report completo e slides della presentazione si possono consultare qui 👉 bit.ly/3G8MSnc

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Alice Giannini Reposted

Le parole del Ministro ⁦⁦⁦⁦⁦⁦@Piantedosim⁩ sono agghiaccianti. Ogni ulteriore commento prima delle sue dimissioni sarebbe superfluo… instagram.com/p/CpLNK_xN86d/…

Alice Giannini Reposted

Da oggi #LaRussa é Presidente del #Senato. In attesa del nuovo esecutivo StraLi é pronta, oggi come ieri, con la #strategiclitigation a denunciare nelle aule di giustizia tutte le nuove e possibili incompatibilitá della legge con la Costituzione e con i diritti fondamentali.

Alice Giannini Reposted

Bob: "what is human intelligence?" Alice: "there is no single answer or definition, but I like to joke that it's the ability to do x successfully without huge quantities of data, complicated algorithms, endless repetitions, immense computational power, and a lot of electricity".

Alice Giannini Reposted

New post: Gender in Academic Publishing ejiltalk.org/?p=19086

Alice Giannini Reposted

We’ve just kicked off our international public advocacy #workshop! We are excited to be joined by more than 40 participants from around the world. Looking forward to an interesting and productive few days learning from experts in the field. #AsserIPIA2020

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Università degli Studi di Firenze PhD webinar - 29th and 30th June: "Freedom v. Risk: Social Control and the Idea of Law in the Covid-19 Emergency” My speech will be focused on Denmark’s criminal response to the pandemic. #unifi #COVID19 #socialcontrol #CriminalJustice #phd

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Alice Giannini Reposted

@aligianna smile, you're a star (check our header)


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