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Natives indians capturing turtles in the Amazon forest. How is this legal?
“GUARDIÕES DA FLORESTA" Os arrastões pela floresta, com longas filas de indígenas, para a captura de jabutis, é fato insistentemente relatado por quem vive na Amazônia próximo a reservas indígenas. Agora está filmado…
Massive protest against the Toronto teachers who took their students to a Pro-Palestine protest behind parents backs Finally these WOKE teachers are facing real blowback for their completely out of line antics The parents have had enough
Já que estamos censurados mesmo, vamos jogar cocô no ventilador!!! CONHEÇA A SINISTRA CARREIRA do Cabeça de Ovo Observe com quem ele andou: Alkmin, Lula, Cassab, Eduardo Cunha, TransCooper (lavagem de dinheiro e corrupção de Empresas - comandadas pelo PCC) e indicado para…
This person should no longer teach at the UBC medical school.
Lula and Iran work together: this is all you have to understand about what my country is facing right now. Both are criminals.
🚨 URGENTE - S.O.S 🇺🇸 🇧🇷 Has anyone told @elonmusk that Lula has appointed his personal lawyer to the Supreme Court? The same lawyer who filed a lawsuit during the elections asked for suspending the social media accounts of 67 people identified as Bolsonaro supporters, with…
🇧🇷 SENIOR BRAZILIAN OFFICIAL TO EU PARLIAMENT: BRAZIL IS AN EXPERIMENT OF FALSE DEMOCRACY "Tyranny is like a virus. They always find a way to adapt. They are learning how to do that with the Supreme Court, judiciary, executive, everything. They adapted. Brazil is today the new…
🚨🇧🇷THE GESTAPO WOULD BE JEALOUS OF BRAZIL'S AUTHORITARIAN CRACKDOWN Deputy Luiz Bragança: "The persecution of journalists, persecution of politicians, persecution of personalities, business people, it's at a level the Gestapo would be jealous of. They are basically charging…
Amazing speech, well said 👏 👏 Everyone, please repost this for maximum exposure.
This was my speech at United Nations Headquarters, where I had the oportunity to tell to the world what is actually happening in Brazil. Since then, the “justice” has ordered an investigation against me, the most voted deputy of the country, only for saying that Lula is a corrupt…
🚨🇧🇷 URGENT: Brazil is heading towards a totalitarian dictatorship. My name is Simon, and I am a European living in Brazil. I left Europe after facing political persecution for criticizing the Covid measures. Now, I fear similar issues in my new home, Brazil. Currently, events…
Brazil's Supreme Court is undermining the Constitution in the name of democracy. @david_agape_…
Today, I am going to red-pill you about vegetable oils. Make sure you bookmark and share this post: 1. Unnatural Extraction Process: Unlike coconut or olive oil, which can be extracted through pressing, seed oils like canola, soybean, and corn oil require unnatural methods for…
Cleriston Pereira has died in prison in Brazil He had been in pre-trial detention for 10 months for having entered the Presidential Palace on January 8th, 2023. He suffered from numerous health issues, which is why his lawyer asked for house detention. 🇧🇷
De um lado, tivemos um Presidente que fazia lives semanais c recordes de audiência, parava quase todos os dias no cercadinho p cumprimentar patriotas, fez incríveis motociatas, manifestações de apoio popular inéditas a um governo em exercício, tinha respeito e amor pelo povo, 👇
“É racista afirmar que os árabes muçulmanos dos tempos modernos não inventaram nada. Yasser Arafat é um duplo inventor. Ele inventou o povo "palestino " em 1964, do qual o mundo nunca tinha ouvido falar até então. Arafat também é considerado o verdadeiro inventor do terrorismo…
Es ist rassistisch zu behaupten, muslimische Araber in der Neuzeit hätten nichts erfunden. Yasser #Arafat ist gleich zweifacher Erfinder. Er erfand im Jahr 1964 das Volk der "#Palästinenser", von welchem die Welt bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nie etwas gehört hatte. Ausserdem…
É de arrepiar. Eu vivi para ver e ouvir um estádio de futebol inteiro gritando "Lula ladrão, seu lugar é na prisão". 😂😂😂😂😂 Isso em pleno jogo da seleção brasileira em Cuiabá.
Há três dias #BisNuncaMais está no topo dos assuntos mais comentados. Acões registram forte queda. Bis virou um chocolate rejeitado no Brasil. Parabéns, marketing militante da Lacta! Fica a lição: tudo o que Felipe Neto toca vira merd@
Governo brasileiro anunciou neste sábado (14) que enviará Janja para a Faixa de Gaza para reforçar artilharia do Hamas. Primeira-dama servirá como “canhão de guerra” no conflito.
Se a @BisOficial fosse minimamente honrada, jamais teria associado sua imagem a um canalha que rouba no xadrez. Agora vai ter que aguentar isso aqui: a descoberta de que pagou muito por quem vale muito pouco. Canalhas precisam ser expostos em praça pública, sem piedade.
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