@aisy_medina Profile picture



Joined April 2013

And...#hanezsuraya don't simply think Malaysians forget ur stinkbomb. U are way too snob.

I don't know if this correct or proper..maybe we can seek for more countries to help? u.k ? France or Russia would u guys come n help us?

Dah mula anti drama malaya #ArianaRose yg aku rasa syok sendiri penulisnya..kebarangkalian realitinya amatlah tipis

Penipu. Penipu. Penipu . Kisah filem dan realiti hanya 1% je yg secara KEBETULAN tepat . Other than that dongeng belaka. Dont believe me?

Im totally backing off from u. Like forever. Aku mungkin akn cool down or lembut hati . Tapi sakit itu kekal sama. pendirian aku juga begitu

u dont know what ive been through. Arent we supposed to be friends? Best Friends.

Hi twitter.yeahhh nag me now how ungrateful I am how spoilt I am yadayadayada..

I feel like killing people right now.

Oh twitter.how sad.we should be friends. MOMENT SHUT DOWN

Aku rase nak pecahkan lcd tv 42inci yang aku rasekan X BERGUNA AND ANNOYING for the 1st time in my life. How I wish

Iklan yg tny bnyk2 anda lakukan utk sape? Utk hb bf dll. Aku? Not to anyone not even myself!!!!!! So buat utk sapa ni???!

Aku je ke dlm dunia ni yg rasa living in shithole to have 9sisters.with filthy mouth n brain.

Hello twitter , here I am again . Sorry its nothing but depression.mesti klau ade org bace ni pelik. Aku ni xde keje lain asik depressed je

When ppl ask me favor im doing it all out as I could but when my turn its vice versa

Here again im on twitter to let out my depression as i couldnt do in fb n ig.

Oh my twitter how depressed I am right now

I dont even know all followers.but sorry to let out the depression. Twitter has been like a diary to me.


We are not siding our child as if x siasat tapi almost everytime stinky bad kids yg pecah brg or do silly things they accused my son.

Dear Allah allow speech to my boy so he can defend and protect himself.amin...

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