@aidatulanisa_ Profile picture

Datul | Kamelia Cosmetics


Hi everyone, Im the official Mermaid Queen dropshipper (KC-DS-145). If anyone wants to try Kamelia Cosmetics, you can grab it from me okie 😘

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Hi everyone! I am an official Kamelia Mermaid Queen Dropshipper ❤️ if anyone interested to try any @itskameliahq's product, you guys can DM me hehe 😘 I will be happy to assist you.

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Datul | Kamelia Cosmetics Reposted

Tak jadi kahwin is better than kahwin lepas tu tak ngam. Trust me.

Semoga esok baik baik sahaja. No further appointment. Aminnn

Sakit puler kakiku ni, sempat pulak terseliuh depan rumah tadi. Adoii susah betul kaki lemah ni. Pakai heels pun boleh terseliuh haihhh

Mcm mcm hal ye bila mintak gambar ni. Sempat la Aku ketawa tgok gambar masing masing 😂 Ada yg Kata nak buh gambar 10 tahun Lepas la, sbb skrg dah gemukk 😂😂😂

Today supposed to be happy day but I ruined it huhu

Datul | Kamelia Cosmetics Reposted

Rasa mcm nak makan sundae mcd tapi rasa mcm nak mampus pon ada jugak.

Lama dah tak main basketball

Tadi dah rasa buttercream latte zus, and betullah rasa susu tu overpower rasa coffee so cam hmm Gigi coffee the best HAHAHAHAHAHA

Rasa mcm nak tersedak dgr akak ofis Aku ni beli gelang 6k++ sksksksksksksksk

Hmm sedap pulak foldover 😌

How I wish I'm still mc for today cuz I cannot even do my work 😭😭

Kenapa eh suka sgt ws lepas office hour??

I have been struggling a lot doing this query Google sheet, and without me knowing, the answer is there. It just a normal and/or operator!!!!!!

Datul | Kamelia Cosmetics Reposted

Slow eater, benda ni takleh fix dooo 😭

apa perangai korang yang korang sendiri tak suka and tak boleh accept?

Aku kalau pasal makanan ni mmg boleh nangis tau. Jgn main main. Dekat ofis pun boleh nangis.

Datul | Kamelia Cosmetics Reposted

I love you as much as I have any power to love, and I wish to serve you and must serve you, as long as I live. Franz Franz Kafka, 1913.

Datul | Kamelia Cosmetics Reposted

You’re upset, but you don’t want to talk about it because things aren’t going to change. So you just sit there, alone, quietly, comforting yourself internally, till you feel better again.


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