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adela ♥



Joined March 2013
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adela ♥ Reposted

@adelabufe hahahahah po hahah tamam...vetem prej xhessit hym ne mhb hahahha

@Rexhina05 hahahahhaha aman e zemraaaaaaaaaa

@Rexhina05 the most perfect girls ...my sis ^_^

But it's time to face the truth.. I'll never be with you!

@Rexhina05 kete drejt se qahesha shum qe skisha dasma ime kam 6 dasma :/ ...martohet goca xhaxhit te mamit po un do rri atje te shpia nuses

@Rexhina05 hahahahah e mir e ke ti shhplodhesh shpoledh poo kam aq dasma kete ver sa sdi ca e themm...do te marr ne tel nsr fls :***

@Rexhina05 ee fflm flm mir po edhe sh e lodhur e zemer :* ....pse e ke fik celin e chino ste marr dot :/

@Rexhina05 dashturiaaa imeeee...mir mir jam ,,djeisha ne lac derine oren 11 te nates ia kalova mir ....ti zmr ca ke ber???

@Rexhina05 aaa mretneshatttt e mia ^_^

@Rexhina05 @xhessika1 @ale_nialler xhina talk to the hand :P...e lexon kete "me futen" ..pastaj un u laga qe u laga dhe po rrija..u mrz ti?

@Rexhina05 hahahahaah joo mala gata si ajo ti je mala gata ne stilin tend...jo si kjo sluti mi jjoooo ..e zeza larg :P

@Rexhina05 kot me eshte pff :P .....ee sedi sme vjen as mua :/

@Rexhina05 hahahaahh po crendesi ka :P ...esht sh e bukur me pelqen si e ka miksuar nice ;)

pavarsisht se SHQIPERIA nuk u kualifikua ne finalen e EUROVISIONIT,ne gjithsesi jemi krenar per at ekenge te mrekullueshme ;) @Rexhina05

@Rexhina05 @xhessika1 @ale_nialler hahahahaahah aman se lam nam :P :P ...ja kaluam shum bukur ;)

youtube.com/watch?v=BofL1A… o rexh kjo kenga doli dje ..ty te pelqen lal se per mendimin tim ishte " iuuuuu"..sishte ndonje gje :/ @Rexhina05

youtube.com/watch?v=hL_JPB… pardje doli kjo kenga dhe eshte sh e bukur ..degjoje ;) ... ti xhina je nje "mala gata" mqs ra fjala :P @Rexhina05

Be happy. Be who u want to be. If others don’t like it, let them be. Happiness is a choice, YOUR choice. Life isn’t about pleasing everyone

@Rexhina05 wawwwww sa hot ju te dyja...shum shum booookorrr ... :*

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