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Carson City Weather


Weather updates, forecast, warnings and information for Carson City, Nevada. Sources: @open_meteo, NOAA, USGS.

temperature down 39°F -> 35°F wind 13mph -> 11mph

current weather in Carson City: clear sky, 39°F, 79% humidity, wind 13mph, pressure 848mb

4:39pm: sunset sunrise will be at 6:53am tomorrow's forecast for Carson City: overcast, 47/30°F

temperature up 42°F -> 45°F wind 18mph -> 28mph

temperature up 39°F -> 42°F humidity up 76% -> 79% wind 21mph -> 18mph

current weather in Carson City: clear sky, 39°F, 76% humidity, wind 21mph, pressure 845mb

6:52am: sunrise sunset will be at 4:39pm today's forecast: dense drizzle, 46/32°F, UV index 3 tomorrow: overcast, 45/31°F

light rain -> clear sky temperature up 41°F -> 42°F humidity down 80% -> 76% wind 14mph -> 22mph

overcast -> light rain temperature down 52°F -> 41°F humidity up 30% -> 80% wind 32mph -> 14mph

current weather in Carson City: overcast, 52°F, 30% humidity, wind 32mph, pressure 858mb

4:39pm: sunset sunrise will be at 6:52am tomorrow's forecast for Carson City: moderate snow, 43/33°F

clear -> overcast temperature down 64°F -> 55°F wind 30mph -> 28mph

overcast -> clear temperature up 52°F -> 64°F wind 29mph -> 30mph

current weather in Carson City: overcast, 52°F, 30% humidity, wind 29mph, pressure 858mb

6:51am: sunrise sunset will be at 4:39pm today's forecast: moderate rain, 59/41°F, UV index 3 tomorrow: heavy snow, 43/32°F

humidity down 42% -> 30% wind 21mph -> 22mph

overcast -> clear sky temperature down 53°F -> 51°F wind 26mph -> 21mph

temperature down 55°F -> 53°F wind 23mph -> 26mph

current weather in Carson City: overcast, 55°F, 42% humidity, wind 23mph, pressure 857mb

4:40pm: sunset sunrise will be at 6:51am tomorrow's forecast for Carson City: light rain, 62/40°F

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