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嗨我阿樂 ,台灣的阿樂

Joined April 2022
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阿樂啦 Reposted

Please stop sending misinformation and stop cyberbullying of biological female athletes. I think it’s not illegal to study in your country, right? Both Yu-Ting and Khelif have been women since birth. The truth is that the corrupt organization, IBA, did not provide any evidence…

阿樂啦 Reposted

To all the racists

hsu_minerva's tweet image. To all the racists

阿樂啦 Reposted

Congratulations to Lin Yu-ting 林郁婷 for winning gold in women's 57kg boxing at #Paris2024! With admirable focus & discipline, she has overcome misinformation & cyberbullying, turning adversity into victory. A daughter of #Taiwan through & through, she’s made our nation proud!

ChingteLai's tweet image. Congratulations to Lin Yu-ting 林郁婷 for winning gold in women's 57kg boxing at #Paris2024! With admirable focus & discipline, she has overcome misinformation & cyberbullying, turning adversity into victory. A daughter of #Taiwan through & through, she’s made our nation proud!

🛎️ New Olympic medal! Lin Yu Ting is crowned champion in her category 🥊 - 🛎️ Nouvelle médaille olympique ! Lin Yu Ting est sacrée dans sa catégorie 🥊 #Paris2024

Paris2024's tweet image. 🛎️ New Olympic medal! Lin Yu Ting is crowned champion in her category 🥊
🛎️ Nouvelle médaille olympique ! 
Lin Yu Ting est sacrée dans sa catégorie 🥊

Paris2024's tweet image. 🛎️ New Olympic medal! Lin Yu Ting is crowned champion in her category 🥊
🛎️ Nouvelle médaille olympique ! 
Lin Yu Ting est sacrée dans sa catégorie 🥊


阿樂啦 Reposted

As #TeamTaiwan’s Lin Yu-ting 林郁婷 prepares to fight for gold in women’s boxing at #Paris2024, she carries the strength of a nation. She has faced adversity & senseless attacks from beyond the ring with incredible grace & unwavering courage. We're cheering her on to the finish!

阿樂啦 Reposted

Lin Yu-Ting was born a woman. She has been female since birth. She is participating in the boxing tournament at the Olympic Games Paris 2024 with her strength and has complied with all applicable medical regulations set by the Paris 2024 Boxing Unit, which have been consistently…

souichi_lai's tweet image. Lin Yu-Ting was born a woman. She has been female since birth. She is participating in the boxing tournament at the Olympic Games Paris 2024 with her strength and has complied with all applicable medical regulations set by the Paris 2024 Boxing Unit, which have been consistently…

阿樂啦 Reposted

Lin Yu-Ting was born female and has complied with all applicable medical regulations set by the Paris 2024 Boxing Unit. There is an astounding amount of evidence (her social security number, pictures from her childhood, gender checks from various boxing competitions) that proves…

阿樂啦 Reposted

#贊成國會擴權向中國低頭的名字 #他們要在歷史上留名我們才能記住他們的嘴臉 立委郭昱晴: 所有不合理的國會擴權法案 #退回重審 #逐條討論 #實質審查 #協商公開透明 #記名表決 我們要知道「誰按下贊成國會擴權,向中國低頭的名字」他們要在歷史上留名,我們才能記住他們的嘴臉

阿樂啦 Reposted

剛剛趕回立法院黨團接力直播 收到這畫面,很鼻酸,難過也感動 318學運十年後,藍白聯手在國會興風作浪搞黑箱,顢頇的傷害台灣民主。 年輕人再次走上街頭,下著雨、被國民黨訕笑,人潮反而越來越多。 我看到的,是台灣的年輕人願意將國家放在肩上扛起的氣魄。 夥伴們,繼續一起戰鬥吧!

KTCho_TW's tweet image. 剛剛趕回立法院黨團接力直播





阿樂啦 Reposted

POV: Over 4000 people, including the newly crowned Queen @66wind99 #NymphiaWind from #RuPaulDragRace, gathering at the #TaiwaneseParliament in protest against the #proChinaparties, which consist of the majority of the parliament, in attempt to pass controversial bills.

hyderoye's tweet image. POV: Over 4000 people, including the newly crowned Queen @66wind99 #NymphiaWind from #RuPaulDragRace, gathering at the #TaiwaneseParliament in protest against the #proChinaparties, which consist of the majority of the parliament, in attempt to pass controversial bills.

欸不是啊 演藝圈不取消黃子佼不譴責他 現在在連署修法??? 轉移焦點給立法院就可以讓演藝圈繼續爛下去是不是 噁心

雖然離攝影機太遠🤣 阿公很想來但是他年紀太大了🥹 三票民進黨 美德贏台灣✌🏻

UnaUnaYaYa's tweet image. 雖然離攝影機太遠🤣
三票民進黨 美德贏台灣✌🏻

阿樂啦 Reposted

昨天侯友宜在臉書推出那個難聽的要死的賴皮寮之歌以後⋯⋯ 我一不小心就做出「凱旋苑之歌!」了。 我覺得我的比他好聽多了🫶 (聲音AI唱的)


阿樂啦 Reposted

有人咳了30秒,無法回答。 這裡有理性科學30秒短影片✨️ 一起來迅速了解~~~

最喜歡的日本 願不要再有傷亡

阿樂啦 Reposted


阿樂啦 Reposted

提醒大家幾件事 侯友宜要重啟服貿 侯友宜要用全額貸複製次級房貸風暴 侯友宜要開放中國學生來台讀書工作 柯文哲不排斥重啟服貿 柯文哲不排斥開放中生來台讀書工作 柯文哲要漲大學學費 柯文哲要漲稅金 為什麼這些事都沒有被大肆宣傳。

阿樂啦 Reposted

男生搶救王義川💚 女生搶救劉柏君💗

柯粉真的是全世界最沒品的 在醫院一直用超大聲音量放柯的造勢大會 媽的


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