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Luciana Duailibe 🍉🦉


Woman, mother, educator, artist, dancer, researcher, lover…I am people I have met and places I have been. I am relationality in phenoma. https://t.co/3N3I7A6VBn

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I am a rebel, soul rebel…

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Me too Jeremy, me too!

The Prime Minister should make a statement to Parliament, immediately, to confirm whether UK missiles have been fired into Russia. He must tell the British public if this means we are now at war with a nuclear power, what risk this poses to people in Britain, and why this action…

What I don’t understand is the universities on this list. They should be educated about genocide and be on the right side of history. Shame on you! @GoldsmithsUoL

ANNOUNCING 🍉 The Watermelon Index, a tool for worker-led resistance against the genocide in Palestine. Explore our database of over 400 complicit companies and the campaigns against them: bit.ly/3YYu0jv

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Luciana Duailibe 🍉🦉 Reposted

'Empty homes rise AGAIN, while homelessness and numbers of families stuck in overcrowded temporary accommodation surge. 265,061 homes empty long-term, up a third since the national empty homes programme ended in 2016.. overall vacancy a staggering 998,784 actiononemptyhomes.org/news/empty-hom…

Luciana Duailibe 🍉🦉 Reposted

The most overused, oddly glorified, yet under-respected topic on the internet: Childhood Trauma. It’s why your dad won’t cry, your relationships don’t stick, and why you feel exhausted every morning. Here’s what trauma is—and how to reverse its effects (backed by science): 🧵

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Luciana Duailibe 🍉🦉 Reposted

Anitters, hora de usar a nossa voz! 500 comentários com: Por que ainda tem 24 deputados do Partido Democrático Trabalhista (@PDT_Nacional) 10 deputados Partido Socialista Brasileiro (@PSBNacional40) que NÃO votaram a favor da PEC contra a Escala 6x1?

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Luciana Duailibe 🍉🦉 Reposted

The first Remembrance Day since Israel killed 3 British Veterans in a precision strike, while they were delivering food to starving children. Remember John Chapman, James Kirby and James Henderson, and think of their families who deserve justice. They want you to forget them.

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Luciana Duailibe 🍉🦉 Reposted

RESSALTANDO: Se um Deputado falou que não quer assinar a PEC pelo fim da Escala 6x1 porque não concorda 100% com o texto, ignore-o e continue pressionando. Porque o texto de uma PEC só pode ser discutido, trabalhado, lapidado e alterado com 171 Deputados assinando. TODO…

FIM DA ESCALA 6X1: A PEC ESTÁ AVANÇANDO A luta pelo fim da escala de trabalho 6x1 TOMOU as redes sociais. Como autora no Congresso, em parceria com o querido @RickAzzevedo, da PEC que acaba com a escala 6x1, venho aqui dizer que isso ESTÁ DANDO CERTO, e que não pode parar 👇🏽…

Luciana Duailibe 🍉🦉 Reposted

YEMEN An eight-year-old Yemeni girl died of internal bleeding on her wedding night The case of the eight-year-old Yemeni girl who reportedly died from internal bleeding on her wedding night due to injuries caused by her much older husband is an appalling instance that…

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Luciana Duailibe 🍉🦉 Reposted

🚨 ATENÇÃO: No Maranhão apenas 2 deputados assinaram a PEC do fim da escala 6x1! @marciojerry e @DuarteJr_ DEPUTADOS DO MARANHÃO NÃO ASSINARAM A PEC Detinha e Maranhãozinho (PL) Pedro Lucas (UB) Juscelino Filho (UB) André Fufuca (PP) Aluísio Mendes (PSC) Marreca (Patriota) +

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Luciana Duailibe 🍉🦉 Reposted

Hastings, East Sussex, #England

Luciana Duailibe 🍉🦉 Reposted

FIM DA ESCALA 6x1 Glauber no plenário que desafiou os parlamentares a trabalharem sábado e domingo, como milhares de trabalhadoras e trabalhadores do país.

Luciana Duailibe 🍉🦉 Reposted

Breaking: @SkyNews just deleted this video by their Amsterdam correspondent @AlicePorterTV posted to Twitter, without public explanation. I saved a copy. The video explains the truth about the Israeli football hooligans who went on a racist rampage in the city this week. Watch:

Luciana Duailibe 🍉🦉 Reposted

racismo aqui é crime, o brasil já elegeu uma mulher, já elegeu ateu, já teve 2 presidente/vice de família libanesa, elegeu um negro em 1909, elegeu um operário em 2002 e o bolsonaro está inelegível então nós somos melhores que vcs

America is becoming Brazil

Luciana Duailibe 🍉🦉 Reposted
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Luciana Duailibe 🍉🦉 Reposted

URGENTE: Em uma sentença absurda, fui condenado, junto a outros jornalistas e veículos de comunicação, a pagar indenização por danos morais para o casal de policiais que aparecem neste vídeo (Paula Braga e Cosmo Quirino). Os militares alegaram que na publicação inferi que eles…

Um homem negro foi abordado e agredido por policiais brancos em Criciúma-SC. Imagens feitas por moradores mostram ele sendo imobilizado e algemado após um comerciante ligar para a PM ao ver o homem na praça. Uma policial tampa a câmera do uniforme com a mão durante o procedimento

Luciana Duailibe 🍉🦉 Reposted

shaction.org/a-national-ten… The Regulator of Social Housing reports a 66% rise in whistleblowing disclosures (40 cases). The Housing Ombudsman reports a 329% increase in interventions against social housing landlords (21,740 cases). What's going wrong? The laws are there, the…

Luciana Duailibe 🍉🦉 Reposted

Labour have just lost control of Newcastle City Council, with 6 councillors resigning and becoming independents. I expect more will follow. I'll be supporting a progressive alliance in the next elections.

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Luciana Duailibe 🍉🦉 Reposted

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