ደደብ ውሻ የምን ትምህርት አጁሳ አልዘጋም አንተ ቅጥረኛ ለመሆኑ ምቀኝነት ነዉ ምእራባውያን በረንዳ መንከባለል የውሸት ወሬ መንዛት ለጃውሳ ዝንብ ምንም ጠብ የለም ።

"Fano are fighting to stop the killing of Amharas across Ethiopia. I've joined our brave Amhara Fano fighter brothers because our schools are being bombed by jets and drones, preventing us from learning. Students are dying and being sexually assaulted by Abiy government forces,…

Sunkoo Reposted

"Fano are fighting to stop the killing of Amharas across Ethiopia. I've joined our brave Amhara Fano fighter brothers because our schools are being bombed by jets and drones, preventing us from learning. Students are dying and being sexually assaulted by Abiy government forces,…

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