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Sanja Hakala


🇫🇮 🏳️‍🌈 PhD, mother, author, biodiversity advocate and climate activist. Not here anymore, physically in 🇨🇭, mentally maybe in 🦣. PM if you miss me.

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@Nature daily briefing quotes our opinion: life scientists should engage in activism for climate and ecological emergencies. Read our whole paper led by @FerRacimo here: elifesciences.org/articles/83292 @ScientistRebel1

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Ok apparently it's not just likes that disappear but also follows to certain activist and political groups. I'm kinda done now, what's the point to write anything here anymore? I'll try be more active in 🦣. Or drop me a pm to get my email/ phone.

Sanja Hakala Reposted

under the White Sea in Russia, where winters are long and severe... against the back drop of sun dappled cold waters, there are angels This is a Sea Angel and is filmed by @Alex_Aquatilis

Sanja Hakala Reposted

In our newly published paper, I thought I could offer a few fellow parents of small children a chuckle. I was so happy to see a reviewer appreciate my attempt to make the scientific literature less boring: "Line 496: If this is an intentional reference to Frozen I love it…"!

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Sanja Hakala Reposted

New paper in @FunEcology: besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.11…! The wall brown butterfly expands northwards with climate change, and we wanted to know 1) whether winter cold limits the range, and 2) whether winter tolerance has evolved in northern range margin populations. (1/6)

Sanja Hakala Reposted

I'm not saying to never have on-site conferences, just we need to do a lot more online. A lot more.

Sanja Hakala Reposted

You hate online conferences because 1. You hate conferences. The actual conference parts are boring. And academics get away with boring conferences because people like the other stuff. 2. There's no travel, no having dinner with friends. Those are the parts of conferences you…

Sanja Hakala Reposted

When many different researchers analyze the same data, results vary .... A LOT! Our Many-Analysts study from ecology and evo-bio is FINALLY up on @ecoevorxiv doi.org/10.32942/X2GG62 Thanks to the HUNDREDS of researchers who made this study possible.

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Sanja Hakala Reposted

Finally, the experience of @GretaThunberg is a glaring example of individual action becoming mass movement. If everyone stays at home waiting for a mass movement to start, the mass movement will never start. END/

What a genuine way to word the reality. <3 Good winds for the future, @disobedientnerd!

I'm starting my PhD @ICTA_UAB today, and while I'm over the moon to be working with such smart and kind people, I hesitated to post about it, because I feel like "personal news" is always "I'm graduating" or "I have a new job" and not "I feel lost and powerless and depressed."

Sanja Hakala Reposted

Jälleen kerran saan myös sitä palautetta, että nuorten ahdistus on mun syy. Että kai niitä nyt ahdistaa kun mä pelottelen. MITÄ MUN PITÄIS LUENNOLLA PUHUA, KUN ALAN TIETEELLINEN KONSENSUS KERTOO, ETTÄ SUKUPUUTTOVAUHTI ON SATA-TUHATKERTAISTUNUT? VALEHDELLA???????????????????????

Korona-aikana en uskaltanut pitää kaikkia luentojani normaaleina. Esimerkiksi sukupuuttoja koskevan luennon aikana usein joku itkee. Ajattelin, että en uskalla puhua sellaista niin et joku kuuntelee yksin himassa. En haluais yhtään lisää painetta näille tyypeille.

A while back I wrote a review article on dispersal in ants. One of my favourite prograstination methods is reading the wiiiiide variety of papers that keep citing it. Today: theoretical ecology with integrodifference equations.

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Minä olen viimeiset kymmenen vuotta tehnyt tiedettä ja tiedeviestintää suomalaisten säätiöiden tuella. Juuri nyt kirjoitan toista kirjaani Suomen tietokirjailijoiden ja Taiken apurahoilla. 📚💖

Hyvää Kansainvälistä #säätiöpäivä’ä! Tänään olisi taas erityisen hienoa kuulla, millaisia #säätiötekoja olette tehneet säätiöiden ja rahastojen tuella! 🏛🔬🎨👶🏼🌱🌊🌍 #minätutkin #taide #kansalaisyhteiskunta

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Sanja Hakala Reposted

Ant nests as multispecies microcosms: slave-making Formica sanguinea, Formica fusca slaves, kleptoparasitic Dinarda dentata rove beetles and commensal ant springtails

Sanja Hakala Reposted

Have you been fooled by the fossil fuel industry? Here are their 12 tricks... Paper written by @lamb_wf @giulio_mattioli @seb_levi @TimmonsRoberts @StuartBCapstick @efesce @PriestleyCentre @MCC_Berlin @trevordculhane @JKSteinberger Music: 'Excuses' by @morningbenders

Some comment @GGrimalda should hop on the plane to safe his job because individual actions don't solve the climate emergency. That's all backwards! Making this situation and discussion public pushes for change far wider than a single individual in a single institution could.

I have put my current thoughts into this piece: Why I should lose my job to save 3.4tons of CO2. dropbox.com/s/40ilgcbb8i31… Please let me know what you think and share a word of support if you like. I really need it. 136/

Sanja Hakala Reposted

A very touching document (and next photo in thread) in thinking about whether it’s morally acceptable to fly given current climate trajectories. I’m by no means perfect but the world would probably be a better place if more people thought twice about flying.

I have put my current thoughts into this piece: Why I should lose my job to save 3.4tons of CO2. dropbox.com/s/40ilgcbb8i31… Please let me know what you think and share a word of support if you like. I really need it. 136/

Sanja Hakala Reposted

My friend @GGrimalda is doing amazing research and he is one of the relatively few academics that take the situation of our planet‘s biosphere seriously. As we all should. He refuses to board planes for his fieldwork, but now his employer @kielinstitute wants to force him to. 1/2

I have thus completed my fieldwork. I have collected 1814 observations from 30 villages to study how exposure to globalisation and climate change affects egalitarianism in non-industrialised societies. I should be rejoiced, instead I am terribly sad. 133/

Sanja Hakala Reposted

Wow, an interview to feel better about academia and academics, for sure! Go read it, it has it all! Climate activism, motorway blockade with @NLRebellion, scientists screaming their emotions at conferences, video games, and black metal. Pleasure to meet you, @Vervoort_Joost!🥰

UU researcher sings his lungs out in black metal band @terzijdehorde dub.uu.nl/en/depth/uu-sc…

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Sanja Hakala Reposted

A Forgotten Sea. Today's Baltic Sea is murky brown with few large animals, and most people consider it normal. Instead, it's a prime example of the shifting baseline syndrome. Just some 250 years ago, thousands of porpoise and sturgeons were roaming blue waters.

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Sanja Hakala Reposted

Tässä _aivan huiman siisti_ väikkärimahdollisuus erityisesti pedagogisia opintoja tehneelle, ekologiaan/evoluutioon suuntautuneelle biologille. Olen tehnyt läheistä yhteistyötä Matthewn kanssa, ja olen varma, että hän olisi erinomainen väikkäriohjaaja.

With @Marjo__S and @PauliinaRautio, I have an open PhD position for a project combining urban evolution of butterflies and science education research @helsinkiuni jobs.helsinki.fi/job/Helsinki-D…


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