SSIMF1's profile picture. All-day, outdoor live music festival at Fuller Craft Museum, a 3-D event—music meets craft meets nature—providing a fun, intimate, nuanced experience



All-day, outdoor live music festival at Fuller Craft Museum, a 3-D event—music meets craft meets nature—providing a fun, intimate, nuanced experience

Joined May 2015
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Come see "Threads of Resistance" at Fuller Craft Museum today.…

I'm sad to say folks that this year we will not be running the SSIMF. If we decide to run it in the future, we'll...

Hey Folks, The date for the 3rd Annual South Shore Indie Music Festival is Saturday, June 23, 2018. Save the...

Wrap yourself in Coltrane's sound. Saturday 4/8, 7:30- don't miss this awesome jazz concert hosted by Eric...

Go see Chachi Carvalho opening for Nelson Freitas on Friday. He was one of the headliners at last year's South...

What does a reimagined, retrofuture open mic sound like? Come find out at Fuller Craft Museum, co-sponsored by...

Check out Artscope Magazine's review of the South Shore Indie Music Festival!

Will Dailey closed out the festival with an amazing set. Yes, it felt like it sounded. Whoever turned down the...

Those who stayed later had a real treat with Christa Marie. One of my favorite tunes. Does anyone know the...

Wheat closed out the main stage at the South Shore Indie Music Festival with a wonder-full set.

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Aldous Collins (aloft) and Michael Rahman (on guitar) at #FullerCraftMuseum. Amazing photo by Ann-Marie Rollo at...

Thanks to panelists (Pete Stidman, Michelle Cook, Deb Roher, Kioko Mwosa), moderator Paul Chenard, and the...

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