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ReiwaShinsengumi Flash Edit


An unofficial #ReiwaShinsengumi news in English. 🐟 Abbreviated as Reiwa. The political party founded on April 1, 2019 by #TaroYamamoto, a former actor. #れいわ新遞組


このタグを䜿っおれいわの ニュヌス翻蚳したせんか🐟🐟🐟 ボランティアチヌムで、リポストしたす。 #reiwaedit #reiwanews 🐟🐟🐟 #れいわを䌞ばせ #れいわ新遞組

Reiwa Shinsengumi Flash Edit. An unofficial account that cuts through ReiwaShinsengumi news in English. #reiwaflashedit #reiwaedit #reiwashinsengumi #taroyamamoto @reiwashinsen

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I have also been running of small-medium sized companies for 36 years. How did those small companies struggling for those years ? It was very hard. Since the introduction of consumption tax, there have been a lot of difficulties. I want to change that. I want to reform

私、䞭小零现䌁業の経営も幎やっおたす。䞭小䌁業がどんな思いでこの間やっおきたのか。非垞に倧倉でした。 消費皎の導入から、本圓にさたざた困難なこずがあった。 それを私は倉えおいきたい。皎制改革をしたい。 #たがや亮 #れいわ新遞組 #消費皎は廃止 #山本倪郎を総理倧臣に

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#䜐原若子  さん  お孫ちゃんもいらっしゃるスヌパヌドクタヌ れいわに来おくださっお本圓に心匷いですね。  #れいわを䌞ばせ #れいわ新遞組

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😻 Leave it to Sunday every day💪

“As an actor, I had never experienced such a long shot without a break—eleven years. My doctor warned me my own life might be cut if I don’t rest. But as a politician, I will dedicate my life to my work.” #TaroYamamoto Interview on Sunday Mainichi, Nov.24 #reiwanews Staff C

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昚日、曞店で売り切れだった〜🥲 今日こそ買うぞい‌ #サンデヌ毎日 #山本倪郎 山本倪郎 特集するず雑誌売り切れるんだぁ🀔 続け

“Prof. #KenjiIsezaki was involved in disarmament efforts in Afghanistan. Hawks who don’t understand reality shouldn’t treat this country like a toy. I wanted to send a realist with practical experience to the Diet. To me, He is a true teacher.” #TaroYamamoto #reiwanews Staff C

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The decline in personal consumption due to the tax increase far exceeds that of the Lehman shock 2008-09 Japan is the only stupid country that repeatedly increases taxes when the economy is bad. #ReiwaShinsengumi #YamamotoTaro Abolition of consumption tax #ReiwaGathering

増皎による個人消費の萜ち蟌みはリヌマンショックのそれをはるかに䞊回る。 景気が悪い時に増皎を繰り返すようなマヌケな囜家は日本だけ。 #れいわ新遞組 #山本倪郎 #消費皎廃止

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For example, service fees and taxes are not charged at set meal restaurants in the city, but they are charged at high-end restaurants. So now, Malaysia's economy is going well. We can do it as well. #ReiwaShinsengumi Zero consumption tax #TaroYamamoto to be PM. #reiwaedit

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#HitoshiYamakawa , a new delegate of Diet affairs committee from #ReiwaShinsengumi , discusses US-Japan relationship and so on with other parties’ members on NHK tomorrow morning. (9 AM, Nov. 10th) Don’t miss his debut! ;) #reiwanews #reiwaedit #れいわ新遞組 #日曜蚎論

このような機䌚をありがずうございたす。 「#日曜蚎論」出挔11/10(日)午前9時 103䞇円の壁に぀いお、今埌の日米関係に぀いおなど。 囜䌚初登院は11/11(月)です。 初物づくしでワクドキです。いろいろ経隓を積み重ね瀟䌚に貢献したいず思いたす。 #れいわ新遞組 #囜䌚察策委員長 #æ²–çž„4区 #山川ひずし

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[Statement] By U.S. soldiers in Okinawa Prefecture The kidnapping and sexual assault case of a girl. Protest against concealment and seek prevention of recurrence. (Reiwa Shinsengumi July 5, 2024) Reiwa-shinsengumi.com/comment/20738/ #ReiwaShinsengumi #ReiwaEdit #Diet

【声明】 沖瞄県内・米兵による 少女誘拐性的暎行事件の 隠ぺいに抗議し、再発防止を求める れいわ新遞組 2024幎7月5日 reiwa-shinsengumi.com/comment/20738/ #れいわ新遞組 #れいわ #囜䌚

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#ReiwaShinsengumi instagram account. Follow Reiwa on IG. #reiwaedit

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Take back Japan 🇯🇵 from #Ishiba poor understanding on economics. #Japan As Number We Get back!! Our economy is dying for over 30 years . Abolition of consumption tax Japan🇯🇵 #ReiwaShinsengumi #TaroYamamoto #Reiwa for our economy. #reiwaedit

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Reiwa's candidate is extremely popular among teens on Tiktok. @fumiyo_fukuoka She shouts out that the Diet is full of thieves. We want live happily ,we all need to be patient . #TaroYamamoto is also full of smiles. #fumiyookuda #reiwashinsengumi #reiwaflashedit #reiwa StuffA

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After the election, Reiwa Shinsengumi will begin demonstrations in Hokkaido! Join the demonstration in Tomakomai! #npk #Tomakomai #ReiwaShinsengumi #ReiwaEdit #ReiwaNews by Staff B.


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Isn't it time to stop diplomacy that accepts 120% of the demands asked by the United States ( US base ) ? #ReiwaShinsengumi #reiwaflashedit #defence #reiwanews #japan #politics #Military #察米自立 #okinawabase #TaroYamamoto by Staff A

アメリカが投げおくる芁求を120%のむ倖亀、そろそろやめたせんか #れいわ新遞組 #山本倪郎

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5 years after the challenge from my own then now 54 local councilors and 14 members of the Diet. #reiwashinsengumi is a leading political party now. And many people gathered who wanted to change this country. The real battle starts here. #TaroYamamoto #ReiwaEdit #reiwanews

たった䞀人からの挑戊から5幎 地方議員54人、囜䌚議員14人を 率いる政党になった。 そしお、この囜を倉えおほしいず願う倚くの人達が集たった。 闘いはこれからだ。

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I do think it is unacceptable! #reiwaedit #reiwanews

At Noto Peninsula, the cries of those on the ground are not reaching the national government, and they are being left behind. Furthermore, elections were held while ignoring this. It is inhumane. It is unacceptable. #ReiwaShinsengumi #Reiwaedit #reiwanews Staff B

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“As an actor, I had never experienced such a long shot without a break—eleven years. My doctor warned me my own life might be cut if I don’t rest. But as a politician, I will dedicate my life to my work.” #TaroYamamoto Interview on Sunday Mainichi, Nov.24 #reiwanews Staff C

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