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Rashmi Ashok


Rashmi Ashok Reposted

I’ve been a huge fan of $EQB for years - it’s grown to become my 2nd largest individual stock position 💛 Tomorrow, I’m publishing a Newcomer Investor podcast episode featuring a SPECIAL GUEST for an in-depth conversation on what separates it from the Big 6. Stay tuned!!!!

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Rashmi Ashok Reposted

Should we also include @BlrCityPolice for their alleged involvement?

Rashmi Ashok Reposted

@PMOIndia @aajtak @RahulGandhi @CMofKarnataka @CMOTamilnadu This is a shameless dereliction of duty. The deadly Assault on social workers perpetrated by Indiranagar police and TN police reflects the sinking reality of this country and the humiliation faced by the common man

Rashmi Ashok Reposted

@skpkaruna can you help here.St Broseph is a citizen activist helping many in blore.He was assaulted by TN police for helping a girl against forceful marriage.@tea

Rashmi Ashok Reposted

Hello @TVMalaiPolice & @TiruvannamalaiP Trying to call Tiruvannamalai Town Crime Police Station for a case but nobody picks up. DSP sir and SP sir are also not answering their phones. How is someone not in TVM supposed to reach out to police? Sad state of affairs. Please help.

Rashmi Ashok Reposted

The Loblaws price freeze shows that grocery stores control the price you pay. Left on their own, CEOs won't help you out with the cost of living. Neither will their friends in Liberal/Conservative govts. Let's make wealthy CEOs pay what they owe. So Cdns stop paying the price.

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