@ProvoteApp Profile picture

ProVote App


ProVote is a great solution to the Huge Lack of Democracy Culture in our Time, 99% of Voters do not Study, Research, Track Proposals & get a Final Evaluation

Joined June 2016
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Dear @LadyAodh i agree on all this, all are effects of this camping. But who is behind this, any clue? For what reason? Share me an email

Dear @andersoncooper polls need to evolve and been amazing acurate and user accounts based. If @CNN gets to know Provote will love it

Dear @megynkelly polls need to evolve and been amazing acurate and user accounts based. If @FoxNews gets to know Provote will love it

We congratulate @realDonaldTrump and @HillaryClinton for the last debate and we invite all at @ProvoteApp to review your real preference %

We encourage @realDonaldTrump to engage very successful with the African American communities, and walk some blocks in Detroit down town

Dear Followers we share with you the iTunes App store link : itunes.apple.com/us/app/provote…

Dear frindas at @CNN , @FoxNews @ABC @USATODAY @CBS we have for free @ProvoteApp , this weekend in iOS store so the Press can taste it

Dear @KateBolduan great show. @ProvoteApp w'd love to help you in you statistics data for your show

Dear Followers we share with you the Google play App store link : play.google.com/store/apps/det…

Estimada @LuciaCNavarro como ExaTec, tu sabes lo que es ser emprendedor, y creo hoy hemos desarrollado algo unico de verdad, @ProvoteApp

Estimado Equipo @CNNDUSA queremos presentar este desarrollo de @ProvoteApp una App diseñada para ayudar a MIllones de votantes en USA

Estimado @arduinoCNN esta app "Provote" de Verdad es un servicio PRO único que nadie esta ofreciendo a los millones de Votantes en USA

Estimado @arduinoCNN Mil Felicidades por tu programa @ClixCNN en @ProvoteApp nos encantaria poder presentar esta nueva App "Provote" contigo

Que tu segmento @samuelcnn que apoyas mucho la #technology y a emprendedores sin duda podemos ayudar mucho a este proceso electoral de USA

Estimado @samuelcnn Quiseramos compartir especialmente contigo el Lanzamiento de nuestra App, Curisamente un desarrollo Mexico-Americano ...

We are very happy to anounce to all media @CNN @cnni @ABC @FoxNews @USATODAY the Oficial Lunch of our app, a great help for our Democracy!!

We encorage @realDonaldTrump and @HillaryClinton today at #DNCinPHL,to tell us WAY you'r the best for the Job,not way the other is the Worst

We saw an Email from @realDonaldTrump team, saying We s'd not see todays @HillaryClinton speach at #DNCinPHL, Democracy don't work like that

We congratulate Mr @BarackObama for his Speach last night at #DNCinPHL remembering America what Democracy is all about. Thank you #POTUS

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