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🔎CLIL Primary Teacher. CHECK MY BLOG! 👀

Joined March 2020
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#tinystory_URJC ICT's are new technologies. They will run the world very soon. Follow me so you are ready for this!!!

Hello! I have posted a new video talking about confinement. I hope you like it! Check it on my Flipgrid account. flipgrid.com/s/c8340c12ba7d

I have used it to keep on working the main capital cities in Europe. Students should be able to locate them more or less on the map, so this infographic can be used as a tool to reinforce their knowledge. infograph.venngage.com/ps/wNjA3vVXpo/…

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Hello everybody!! I have done a mind map to keep on working with our students the capitals of Europe. It is interactive, if you click on each of the icons you can access to all the information I have embedded. Here's the link mindmeister.com/1454376489/eur…

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Hello!! I have created a comic to teach in an interactive way the capital cities of Europe. Take a look at it and you will travel all around the continent.

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profeICT Reposted

¿Conoces las reglas de los juegos? Esta semana analiza las mecánicas y libera tu espíritu creativo con el evento Actividades Desafiantes del MOOC #GamificaMOOC ¡Despierta tu #actitudlúdica! enlinea.intef.es/courses/course…

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profeICT Reposted

¡Súmate a esta iniciativa y llena el hospital de #IFEMA de color e ilusión! Sólo tienes que enviar un dibujo, que se colocará en diferentes puntos del recinto @feriademadrid para animar tanto a los pacientes como al personal. ¡Participa aquí! : ifemabox.ifema.es/index.php/s/5f…

profeICT Reposted

🔸Durante el Estado de Alarma ante el #COVID19, podrás sacar a pasear a tu mascota atendiendo a estas indicaciones de @AnimalesGob 🔸También está permitida la alimentación de colonias felinas y centros de protección animal. #EsteVirusLoParamosUnidos

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profeICT Reposted

Para contener el #COVID19 es necesaria la colaboración de todos y todas Sigue estas recomendaciones para evitar que se propague ⬇️

#tinystory_URJC Storyteller: Once upon a time there was a screen, a computer tower and a mouse.... Child: Late news The tower and the mouse have disappeared!!! Storyteller: New technologies are guilty then!


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