@Prayash27 Profile picture

Prayash Priyansu


Developer || Student || Sharing my web dev journey.

Done with my exams. I will start posting again from today. I will continue from where I left off.

Day 37-38 of ##100DaysOfCode ~Learnt more on react hooks and Revised past concepts ~Worked on my portfolio website Will deviate more of my focus onto my upcoming semester exams so yeah this might lag behind a little bit but I will try my best to find time to learn something.

Day 35-36 of #100DaysOfCode ~Worked on my portfolio website ~Learnt more on managing states. and react router ~Worked with Date() of JS and it's different methods ~Learnt about heap data structure

Day 33-34 of #100DaysOfCode Learnt about useNavigate, useParams and useSearchParams hooks Worked with urls, paths and leant how to interact with them to manage our state. Revised JS concepts

Day 31-32 of ##100DaysOfCode Learnt more on context api, revised react concepts and worked on my react project

Day 29-30 of #100DaysOfCode Learnt ~more about useReducer hook ~react router ~basics of using context api

Day 27-28 of #100DaysOfCode Learnt about useReducer hook and when to use it Practiced using the useReducer hook

Day 25-26 of #100DaysOfCode Learnt about ~React hooks and how they work internally ~useEffect ~useRef ~more on useState ~how to do DOM related operations in React ~localStorage ~Custom hooks

Day 23-24 of #100DaysOfCode ~Learnt working with APIs ~Leant how to work with git ~Practiced my react concepts

Day 21-22 of ##100DaysOfCode ~Learnt about heaps and did questions on it ~Learnt about prop drilling and how to tackle it and also about how we should layout our components.

Day 20 of #100DaysOfCode Learnt about ~Time and space complexity ~Finding complexity of recursion using Masters and Akra Bazzi theorems. ~Worked on a todo app using react

Day 18-19 of #100DaysOfCode ~Did questions on recursion ~Learnt about merge sort,selection sort and insertion sort. ~Worked on implementing some animation into my react components using libraries like framer-motion

Day 16-17 of #100DaysOfCode ~Did questions on hashmaps ~Leant about two pointers and did some questions ~Learnt about #react hooks

Day 14-15 of #100DaysOfCode Learnt about ~hashing and hashmaps ~did a few questions on leetcode ~practiced and revised react

Day 13 of #100DaysOfCode Learnt about ~#react prop drilling ~component composition ~Passing elements as props #learninpublic

Attended this week's @kirat_tw cohort class on promises. Attempted to create my own promise class as per the assignment. #100xDevs

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Day 12 of #100DaysOfCode Learnt about ~React component design and styling ~Merge sort and quick sort

Day 11 of ##100DaysOfCode Learnt about ~children props in react ~tried built some basic react websites to practice the concepts ~did some leetcode questions

Day10 of #100DaysOfCode Learnt about ~Arraylist in java ~Different methods of arrays and string in JS ~Working with reusable components in #react

Day9 of #100DaysOfCode Learnt about ~Two pointers technique ~Did leetcode questions ~Revised the React concepts and tried implementing them.

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