Don't pretend the trans issue is something sacred. Children should not be instrumentalized by adults in these matters & the most solid & broad public opinion has decided that it is a human rights issue for a child & parents; and also that defund the police is just a step too far

The sexual encounter that led to Oxford student Alex being cancelled via @MailOnline Yes he was cancelled. Yes he was a fine person. But he behaved questionably. Did he deserve to die for it? No! He might have accepted his mistake, begged pardon & lived.

Mario Mendoza tiene razón. Pero hay un factor. Petro llegó creyendo que ganar era licencia para gobernar. No. Para gobernar tenía que transar. Y pasar por el sistema. No lo hizo. Y además, estrato seis le hizo ver su desdén. Le dio furia. Y es maleducado. Entonces no llega. Uff!

Su merced, Daniel Samper Pizano necesita mejor amplificación de su voz en Los Danieles. No me imagino la crisis que va a ser eso. Pero queremos escucharlo.

Iran can start a war with Israel, yes, and be a fearsome opponent. But that might lead to bad social conditions at home, which could easily lead to the people toppling the regime; which instead wants nuclear power, as a magic wand to conjure Israel out of existence, at "no" risk.

There is a schoolyard view of the debate. Joe had to face the class bully, Donald. When it came to crunch, Joe folded. Completely. Beyond age, his will failed him at the crucial moment. Jump before you are pushed, Mr President, respect your legacy.

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