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عمر محمد الشريدي


- رحمه الله - لم يتبقى له اﻻ الدعاء نويت بهذا الحساب له أجراً فاسكنه جناتك وبدل سيئاته حسنات وأغفر له يا مجيب الدعوات واجبر كسر قلوبنا لفراقه.

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اللهم ارحم من كانوايتشوقون لرمضان وهم في قبورهم ينتظرون مناابسط الدعاء اللهم ارحمهم واغفرلهم وتجاوز عنهم #حريملاء .

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اللهم بشّر من غادروا الحياة بجنّات الفردوس ، وارحم وحدتهم واجعل دعاءنا انيساً لهم في قبورهم ، اللهم أسعدهم برائحة الجنة و نعيمها ، اللهم اغفر لهم زلاتهم واجمعنا بهم في جنّاتك يارب اللهُم إرحم موتانا وجميع أموات المسلمين .

اللهم سق إلينا من رحمتك ما يغنينا، وأنزل علينا من بركاتك ما يكفينا، وأدفع عنا من نقمك ما يؤذينا.⁰اللهم آمين

اللهم افتح علينا فتوح العارفين بحكمتك ، وانشر علينا رحمتك ، وذكرنا مانسينا ، وعلمنا ماجهلنا .. ياذا الجلال والإكرام

اللَّهُمَّ زِدْنَا ولا تَنْقُصْنا، وأكْرِمْنَا ولا تُهنَّا، وأعْطِنَا ولا تَحْرِمْنَا،وآثِرْنَا ولا تؤْثِرْ عَلَيْنَا،وأرْضِنَا وارْضَ عَنا

According to the Islamic etiquette; Taking Jumaah bath on Friday before going for Jumaah Solat (Prayer).

قال تعالى ﴿وَاللَّهُ يَرزُقُ مَن يَشاءُ بِغَيرِ حِسابٍ﴾. اللهم إني اسألك أن ترزقنا من الخير فوق مانرجو، وتصرف عنَّا من السوء فوق ما نخشى.

A Muslim speaking to a guest or any other person must make sure that the voice is pleasant with a low, audible tone. Rising of your voice is contrary to proper manner.

اللهم ان في القبور اشخاص نحبهم واحبونا..اللهم نسألك بكل اسم هو لك ان تغفر لهم..اللهم حرم وجوههم على النار

Prophet Muhammad is a person who always keeps his promise. He believed that one of the signs of a hypocrite is not keeping promise and believer shouldn’t be one of them.

Manner in Islam is to always respect the prophet and love him more than anyone in the world. Whenever his name is mentioned, it should be treated with respect at all time.

Your tongue is the best taste of your heart. As Muslims, say something good always. Islam enjoins us to stay away from slander and backbiting as this is refers to as a great evil.

Although women are forbidden from fasting in Ramadan during menstruation and postpartum bleeding, they do have to make up for the missed fasts as soon as possible. This is to show that in every act of worship in Islam, both men and women are treated the same way.

Another striking personality attribute of Prophet Muhammad is his modesty. He was the modest of all and never encouraged any kind of vulgarity, rather he was bashful and strongly encouraged modesty in his followers

Do you know? That Muslims do not believe in the concept of original sin so there is no theological need for all-atoning sacrifice of Jesus.

Thanking Him(Allah) must be one’s daily activity, for everything we engaged in, either successful or one that was not successful. Because He is all-knowing. He promised to increase His mercy for those who thank Him. And He never failed.

Prophet Muhammad always treated kids with kindness and mercy. He always enjoyed their company and played with them to make them happy. He commanded parents to be loving and caring towards their children.

A Muslim is expected to knock at the door or ring the door’s bell in a pleasant way and not louder than necessary to make his/her presence known.

Another manner islam teaches is, not showing pride and arrogance. It’s so easy to get carried away by whatever we may have of wealth and the good things of life.

The Muslim woman adheres to the principle of modesty in all things, especially in the way she dresses and looks. She is keen to looking good, but not in excess.

The first verse to be revealed to the prophet was suratul alaq which shows the paramount of knowledge in Islam.The prophet then didn't have the ability to read or write anything. But through divined power he was able to read and memorized the book revelation.

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