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Investment Director at @Web3com_VC | Prev PDD/NetEase | @LivUni | Meet you in 2077🌕

Joined August 2021
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First, unity of knowledge and action. "知行合一" Second, the happiest moments come from doing things that match your values and making a profit. Finally, even in the worst outcome, still with peace of mind.

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Sometimes, values truly matter, and we need to stand up for them.

战术方面解释的很清楚 repect. 有一些Disagree的地方是,Michael Saylor在最近的播客里聊了100分钟,90%的时间是在讲逻辑性的思考,并不是乱拳打死老师傅,反而是认真思考后的决策。…

今天聊聊微策略的大策略。 微策略真是这轮周期玩出币圈最大的金蛋,不到两年时间,票面盈利超过150亿美金。 它不仅仅是股、债、币三重套利,关键是把MSTR这个股票变成传统金融里真正的比特币(近日MSTR交易量超过比特币ETF总和),可谓“借假修真”登顶之作。 Michael Saylor…

It’s not unique, it’s pretty common. it’s like one hour to deny; After 10 hours, you know you’re a trader it’s like well, it’s an asset I’ll buy it cheap and sell it when it’s too expensive; After 100 hours you know you start to move to be more of an investor like this is a…

The 29% APR is the risk-free cost of captial in the crypto economy.

These violent delights have violent ends.

心理学投射原来如此美妙 m.techflowpost.com/article/detail…

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It’s not just about the President; it’s about free speech. 如果当时twitter稍微不那么抽象,Elon也不会有想买的念头。

马斯克之前 440 亿美金买 Twitter, 很多人都觉得是做了冤大头,现在来看这笔交易实在太划算了

The world is getting better.


关于法国大革命,看看柏克怎么说: 身为英国议员的柏克,没有哗众取宠的赞美法国大革命,鼓动镇压美国反对英国统治的美国革命。 他超越了自身阶层狭隘,选择站在自由进步一边,反对专制暴力。 对法国大革命:…

Yes. 一直是分享列表里最棒的作家和书。 希望更多的朋友喜欢🔥 waitbutwhy.com/whatsourproblem

Highly recommend reading @waitbutwhy or anything by Tim Urban. You will learn a lot about the world, clearly explained with evidence to back it up.

纸牌屋的观点和Soros类似,Emphasizes the exploitative human nature but anti-Liberty。 所以现实生活中Soros Family是Dem最大的金主之一,而剧里面Frank同样是Dem。 And you can clearly see who would eagerly go to Epstein Island and who would firmly refuse.

《纸牌屋》里有一段话写权力。 Everything is about sex. Except sex. Sex is about power. 贵行业最近出现的问题与结论都可以用这句话总结的。

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最近一些心得,和大家交流和学习。 10月初的思路是判断当前是‘Plan Harris’还是‘Plan Trump’。如果是前者,BTC价格可能会先下跌后上涨,重点在回调机会;而后者可能是先上涨后下跌,且速度会加快。我个人判断是后者,因此在早期用真金白银押注了Trump. 而最近几天的判断是,即便是‘Plan…

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Amazing Milestone. Time files, but great ideas and passion continue to grow and manifest. 大家多多关注 @cheesetalk1997 !真正热爱游戏和创新的能量也太棒了。

Call for content creators! Our #indiegame 1001 Nighst will launch #Steam demo on Oct 24 🔮 The stories you tell will come to life... Weave your tales with imagination, and turn words to real weapons for fight! Sign up: 1001nights.ai/content-creator Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/2542850/10…


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