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Naia Ormaza Zulueta


Doktoregaia 🌱- PhD Candidate @cuboulder, visiting researcher @ubc | environmental human rights, climate change, agriculture | @BecariosFLC fellow

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Naia Ormaza Zulueta Reposted

⚡| Zea Maysen «Elektrizitatea» kantak 25 urte betetzen ditu, eta behar bezala ospatzeko, euskal eszenako 33 emakume bildu dituzte estudioan.

Naia Ormaza Zulueta Reposted

Respetando profundamente el duelo que vivimos, esta imagen es alegórica: las ruinas del capitalismo fósil apiladas por la naturaleza. Ojalá aprendamos de la tragedia.

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Naia Ormaza Zulueta Reposted

The failure of authorities to issue public warnings in time before the devastating floods in Valencia offer an example of what it means when far-right policies meet environmental disasters. One of Vox's conditions for backing the PP's Carlos Mazón as regional premier was the…

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Naia Ormaza Zulueta Reposted

🔴Ondas saria jaso du etxe honetako #Faktoriamagazina saioak. 🍾ZORIONAK!

Herridxen egongo zarien danori, atzerridxen gauzenon partez: Urriak 19, 18.00etan, Gernikera 🫰🏼✨ Urdaibai babestien alde, geure eskubidien alde 🌱

Naia Ormaza Zulueta Reposted

Academia be like

The international community

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Naia Ormaza Zulueta Reposted

«Mutil gazteak haien aitak baino kontserbadoreagoak dira, eta neska gazteak, haien amak baino iraultzaileagoak. Guk, emakume zaharragook, erremintak eman dizkiegu neska gazteei. Mutil gazteen arazoa da gizon zaharragoek ez dutela deus ere egin.» berria.eus/euskal-herria/…

Naia Ormaza Zulueta Reposted

SHOCKING 🚨 Our months-long investigation SHOWS the DEVASTATING impact of textile waste IN GHANA. WATCH AND SHARE TO EXPOSE.

Naia Ormaza Zulueta Reposted

Fast fashion giant Shein nearly doubled its emissions in 2023, making it the biggest polluter in the industry. grist.org/technology/as-…

Naia Ormaza Zulueta Reposted

❌Quieren establecer 2 nuevas sedes #Guggenheim en la Reserva de la Biosfera de Urdaibai.❌ ¡No podemos permitir que pongan en peligro esta joya del patrimonio natural!🦅🌿 ✍️FIRMA nuestra petición: seo.org/urdaibai-en-pe…

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Naia Ormaza Zulueta Reposted

Iratiko oihana biosferaren erreserba izendatu du Unescok: Zaraitzu eta Aezkoa ibarrak hartuko ditu. Garapen jasangarria eta biodibertsitatearen kontserbazioa babesteko neurriak sustatu asmo dute. @GorkaBerasategi berria.eus/euskal-herria/…

Naia Ormaza Zulueta Reposted

Karachi is one giant oven. It's near 50C temperatures stretch the limits of human survivability. The ambulance delivers 30 to 40 bodies to the #Karachi city morgue daily. In the last six days, they have collected 568 bodies. This is a climate emergency. #ActOnClimate

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Naia Ormaza Zulueta Reposted

Everyone in Canada who is thinking about voting for the Conservatives should watch this video. It's a foreshadowing of life under Prime Minister Polievre. x.com/TheProgAllianc…

Here's the full glorious takedown of 14 years of Tory disasters by John Oliver Vote tactically on July 4th: stopthetories.vote

Naia Ormaza Zulueta Reposted

Enterprises own their positive financial value in the market but their historical socio-material debts and negative impacts on people and nature too. These should be always accounted for in their market value. theguardian.com/world/article/…

Naia Ormaza Zulueta Reposted

Looking for inspiration to take #ClimateAction? @TEDx talks are a fantastic place to start. Check out these 4 powerful climate talks that offer unique perspectives and valuable insights. @AnjaliAppadurai @GretaThunberg @FinnHarries @NaiaCasina momscleanairforce.org/4-powerful-cli…

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Naia Ormaza Zulueta Reposted

Baina gizon hau ze planetatan bizi da?

Naia Ormaza Zulueta Reposted

La Asamblea General de la ONU determina que el Estado de Palestina cumple los requisitos y debe ser admitido como miembro de las Naciones Unidas. Recomienda al Consejo de Seguridad que reconsidere la cuestión. news.un.org/es/story/2024/…

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Naia Ormaza Zulueta Reposted

Excellent TEdTalk by Naia Ormaza Zulueta. Collective action is key to universal enjoyment of the right to a healthy environment! ...

Does pollution infringe on our human rights? youtube.com/watch?si=chsFl… #actnow

Naia Ormaza Zulueta Reposted

Yes. And collective action can change that. Thank you @NaiaCasina for fighting this battle. Must watch.

Does pollution infringe on our human rights? youtube.com/watch?si=chsFl… #actnow


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