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There are civil servants with Masters and 2 years experience at managerial positions still getting a pay of 12K! While politicians without any experience or education grab much more! And to top it off, we are yet to pay the MPs who are no longer a MP? #StopFormerMpBenefits
މިއީ "ފެންނެތް ބޮޑުކާށި ބިންނަމީހުން" ލައްކަ ގިނައިން ފެންނަ ދުވަސްވަރެއް!
I’m gonna give 10 random people that repost this and follow me $25,000 for fun (the $250,000 my X video made) I’ll pick the winners in 72 hours
Seeing majority of all these appointees makes you wonder if it discourages the current generation from pursuing higher studies, or maintain any form of common decency or dignity. 🤷🏽♀️
ކީރިތި ޤުރްއާނުގެ ވަރަށްގިނަ އާޔަތްތަކުގައި މާތް ﷲ މުސްލިމުން ސިފަ ކުރައްވާފައިވަނީ ބުއްދީގެ އަހުލުވެރިންގެ ގޮތުގައެވެ. އެހެންކަމުން، ކޮންމެ މުސްލިމަކުވެސް ވާންޖެހޭނީ، ބުއްދި ބޭނުން ކުރާ މީހަކު ކަމުގައެވެ.
Dhen visnavaa izzaiytheri noon aadhaigadhaige rayyithaku ulheyne dhathi haalu.
އެމްޑީޕީން ބުނަނީ މެންބަރުންގެ މުސާރައިން ދެކޮޅުނުޖެހި ދަތި ހާލުގައި އުޅޭ ކަމަށް
I sincerely hope our MP @AhmedThaariq will reject the salary increase for MPs and political appointees and rather advocate for a better pay harmonisation system that benefits the average civilian.
I call on my MP Hon. Mohamed Rasheed @boadhigu to reject the salary increase for MPs and political appointees. I urge other citizens to request their MPs to do the same. These funds should be allocated for other public servants such as civil servants, teachers, nurses, etc.…
No qualification. No attendance. Do not have to contribute much to the works of Majilis and every member gets to take home MVR100,000? What does this say about the working class people with years of experience and education that actually contributes to society?
މަޖިލިސް މެމްބަރަކަށް މަހަކު 100،000ރުފިޔާ ލިބޭ ގޮތަށް މުސާރަ ބޮޑުކުރަން ކޮމިޓީން ފާސްކޮށްފި
Greeting on the Occasion of Unity Day!
ސުނާމީ ކާރިސާއަށް 17 އަހަރު. އެދުވަހުވެސް ދިވެހިން ދައްކުވައިދިނީ އެއްބައިވަންތަކަން. އެކަކު އަނެކަކަށް އެހީތެރިވުމުގެ ނަމޫނާ. އުނދަގޫ، ދަތި ކޮންމެ ހާލަތަކުން ދިވެހިން ހިތްވަރުހޯދީ އެއްބައިވަންތަކަން ކުރިއަށްނެރެގެން.
The math doesn't add up!
Qualified & experienced civil service employees are forced to work for political appointees who lack necessary qualification required for a posts like that & often does nothing but gives wrong orders. Imagine how it would be like. Demotivation & inefficiency is the result.
Whoever wants to finalize the minimum wage ~6k has never been in the position where they didn’t know if they should feed themselves or pay rent.
National Day Greetings 🇲🇻
ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ ފަޚުރުވެރި ޤައުމީ ދުވަހުގެ ހެޔޮއެދުންތައް އަރިސްކުރަން.
ޤައުމީ ޓީމާއެކު، ފެހިވިނަ ސްޕޯޓްސް ކްލަބް! "ތިންވަނަ ފަހަރު މީއެފަހަރު" 🇲🇻 #redsnappers #ooredoosaffchampionship2021 #mageymahaldheeb
First Augmented Reality wall mural in the Maldives. Scan the first 5 scene from the wall using ARTIVIVE APP & bring the mural in to real. You can the see the magic. #Maldivianartist #Maldivianartists #wallmural #augmentedreality #Maldives
Was a pleasure getting to see the making of this historic art. Truly remarkable.🙌🏼 #Maldivesartistcommunity #MoHA
The mural is a timeline based on the historic events that took place and how our heroes fought for our Independence time and time again. Scan the first 5 scene from the wall using ARTIVIVE APP & bring the mural in to real. You can the see magic. #Maldivianartists #Maldives
The mural is a timeline based on the historic events that took place and how our heroes fought for our Independence time and time again. Scan the first 5 scene from the wall using ARTIVIVE APP & bring the mural in to real. You can the see magic. #Maldivianartists #Maldives
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