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Mitja Čampa


se še vedno rokuje

Joined June 2014
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Branko podpira protest, ker Janša še ni v zaporu, čeprav je neustavno zaprl državo in pocepil ljudi

Jutri, v torek, dne 26. 11. 2024, ob 14.00 uri vabljeni vsi pred sodišče v Celju na protestni shod v podporo Janezu Janši! 🇸🇮 demokracija.si/fokus/v-torek-…

Mitja Čampa Reposted

I know this is difficult to watch and I realize a lot of people won't even bother to click on this, but there are very important clips in here to maintain perspective and be observant going forward.

Trump Surrounding Himself with Operation Warp Speed Accomplices

Ko so ankete pokazale, da so ljudje proti NEK2, so referendum, ki bi moral biti konec tedna, ukinili. Poraba elektrike sicer v Sloveniji upada in je na ravni izprd 10 let.

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Mitja Čampa Reposted

On June 4, 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110, instructing the Treasury to print $4 billion in $2 and $5 bills. These notes, backed by silver reserves in the Treasury’s vaults, were issued without incurring debt or interest. The profit from their…

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Mitja Čampa Reposted
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Mitja Čampa Reposted

A Catholic may sin and sin as badly as anyone else, but no genuine Catholic ever denies he is a sinner. A Catholic wants his sins forgiven – not excused or sublimated

Mitja Čampa Reposted

Arrest him for publicly running the biggest child trafficking operation in history! Trump must publicly commit to finding the 325 thousand missing children disappeared by the Biden pedo cult and prosecute the guilty.

BREAKING: DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is reportedly negotiating his exit and wants to leave immune from any potential investigations from the Trump Administration.

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Mitja Čampa Reposted

Veganska woke-aktivistka:"Neeeee, jajc ne smeš jésti, kaj ne veš kak' kure trpijo?! Fašist! Morilec!" ...potem pa zanosi in naredi splav. 🤷‍♂️

Kako je zdaj to? A Tomčeva po severnokorejsko ploska Zelenskemu, Grims obsedi v klopi, tamala pa kliče atija, kaj naj naredi?

Unelected politicians give standing ovations to the man who wants to start the next world war.

Tudi razni libertarci švicajo zadnje čase, od vseh možnosti izbire.

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Obraz 3. svetovne vojne. Z zlorabljenim golobom iz biblične zgodbe, iz katere se zlorablja tudi mavrica.

Ukrajina krvavi že 1.000 dni. Bori se za vse nas, ki verjamemo, da svet ne more temeljiti na vladavini surove moči, ampak na demokraciji in mednarodnem pravu. Meja v 21. stoletju se ne spreminja na nasilen način. Zato moramo Ukrajini stati ob strani dokler bo potrebno. 🇺🇦🇪🇺🇸🇮

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Kako deluje nakazilo v Rusijo. youtu.be/O28F2RtFG-c?si…

Kako je Logar delil funkcije? Andrijaniča sploh ni bilo na ustanovnem kongresu pa je postal funkcionar...

Mitja Čampa Reposted

🇺🇸 BIG REVEAL COMING! Journalist: “Will you declassify the 9/11 files?” Trump: “Yap” Journalist: “Will you declassify the JFK files?” Trump: “Yap” Journalist: “Will you declassify the Epstein files?” Trump: “Yap” Don’t disappoint us Donald. We’re waiting!

Mitja Čampa Reposted

The Vatican fell on Day 1 - it's the Church of Babylon relocated telling the same story using different names.

The Vatican fell a long time ago See the sculpture in the background

Mitja Čampa Reposted

Spot on!

"I wanna make it clear: Elon Musk is a defense contractor. Elon Musk is a defense contractor who's building the most significant surveillance satellite system ever created, for the military. Funded by our taxpayers." In this clip from a recent interview with Shannon Joy…

Mitja Čampa Reposted

Ooo, gleeej, 3 mesece…ravno toliko, da lahko izredni profesor postane redni 🔥

Vračam se v 🇸🇮.  V ZDA 🇺🇸 sem preživel tri zelo zanimive mesece. Minilo je (pre)hitro, a je bilo vseeno dovolj dolgo, da nekatere stvari vidim v nekoliko drugačni luči… Amerika mi je všeč, ker temelji na osebni odgovornosti in osebni svobodi. Nasvidenje - do naslednjič 👋.

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Logar že uporablja Janševo finto distrakcij. Namesto programskih izjav, so v medijih njegove izjave o Kalohu. Circenses...


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