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Mike McKay


Retired school superintendent in Surrey. Now consulting & supporting system understanding of self-regulation. Endless learning! See CSRI: http://t.co/8Ibb681Gxl

Joined June 2011
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In school - and far beyond - most of our "assessment moments" should be considered formative. Good teaching makes them purposeful, non-threatening & rich in potential. This brief article refreshes some simple techniques that work well in class & remotely. edutopia.org/article/8-quic…

New post at mikemckay.ca & self-regulation.ca/perspectives highlights resilience in COVID times: the "4th R" is needed for the other three Rs to take hold. School start up plans emphasize social-emotional health/safety & resilience-building. That focus is critical for success.

Critical thinking skills require nurturing over the summer. Posing "how" & "why" questions for our kids engages them in higher order processes. This simple/clear blog & related TedTalk may be a helpful resource for parents as well as for educator planning. blog.ed.ted.com/2019/05/09/cri…

Aristotle's "The whole is > the sum of its parts," describes the very best of the teamwork evident on school staffs that worked together to create safe, engaging & purposeful learning environments to help kids & families navigate uncharted territory. What a + difference it makes.

Positive mental health is central to the future our kids deserve. “Eliminating the Stigma of Difference”: a resource that influences attitudes re. mental illness & increases + treatment-seeking in youth with mental-health challenges. Research article here. medicalxpress.com/news/2020-05-y…

ParticipACTION 2020 Report Card brings clear & strong attention to the importance of physical activity for children & youth & the connection between physical activity & social-emotional health. Findings are extra important during these challenging times. participaction.cdn.prismic.io/participaction…

This 3.5 min video on toxic stress from Harvard Centre on the Developing Child is worth sharing. It explains what it is & offers strategies. Wasn't produced re COVID but is very relevant today. Toxic stress isn't rare or distant. It's right here/right now. youtube.com/watch?v=sutfPq…

New post mikemckay.ca Topics incl: SEL; the value of the whole staff team; & how the shape of high school education could change post-pandemic. Possible that the current situation increases the opportunity for a hybrid, well-constructed combination of in-class & remote

Article shares tips to support socially/emotionally healthy adults who can then nurture resilient kids. Selflessness, compassion & sensitivity help to counter loss, fear & isolation. verywellmind.com/how-to-practic… Investing in a “kindness dividend” can build a better today & tomorrow.

Two articles with interesting perspectives on the importance of play – inside, outside, structured & free. Quality home-based learning that nurtures curiousity, confidence, & engagement. Essential attributes for all youngsters. theguardian.com/education/2020… edutopia.org/article/playti…

"Self-care isn't selfish." While this 15 min. podcast from Harvard Ctr on the Developing Child focuses on the early years, all of the themes & suggestions resonate for a far wider audience. Good mental health for kids requires care givers to have the same. developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/the-…

Great story from Big Lake Elem, a school with an even bigger heart. Imagine the kids' joy & excitement when the bus pulled up @ their house. These moments build resilience & connection at a time when both are so vital to social/emotional health & wellness. wltribune.com/community/vide…

There's no "I" in TEAM, but there are EAs & other support staff on school teams working to connect with & assist students. These professionals are often key resources for kids, offering support & encouragement in partnership with teachers & admin. Making a difference every day!

Many great resources worth sharing re. social-emotional health/safety for kids, parents, educators. - Psych. Foundation of Canada, always good, especially important now psychologyfoundation.org/Public/COVID-1… - Dr. Marc Brackett - Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence: marcbrackett.com/the-emotion-sc…

Child Mind Institute is there for educators & parents during these extraordinary times. Resources are helpful in nurturing home/school connection as parents adjust to balancing work/child care/self-care, supported by educators facing similar challenges. childmind.org/coping-during-…

This Ted Radio Hr. episode includes some context-specific perspectives, relevant to the current teaching/learning challenges, along with several important themes that transcend any specific time & place.A thoughtful contribution to an essential dialogue. podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6…

The Psychology Foundation of Canada does such fine work. Lots of accessible/relevant articles & other resources. Here is one (& some links) that may be useful to share with parents as they navigate changing circumstances & options for engaging their kids. psychologyfoundation.org/Content/Great-…

This Atlantic article highlights why the home/school/learning connection is essential even when the buildings are closed. Social & intellectual engagement is needed to help mitigate the downstream impact of traumatic events on our kids. Makes a difference! theatlantic.com/health/archive…

YES to Physical Distancing;NO to Social Isolation.When the tyranny of the urgent is joined by turbulence & anxiety, it is good to see that socio-emotional health is a priority focus in remote learning times.CASEL shares this for the adults who support kids youtube.com/watch?v=8UE2mW…

From the Lancet, another "when will what we know change what we do?" moment. Link between sedentary behaviours & youth depression is clear, as is the positive short & long-term difference when youngsters engage in regular physical activity. Program impact? thelancet.com/journals/lanps…


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