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Meraki ⛩️


I’ll help to build your personal brand easily even if you are working from 9-5, Writing only 1 tweet/day | MM |

Joined February 2023
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One door closes Thousand opens Keep searching You’ll find your door

Your life is jigsaw puzzle Different pieces that’s won’t fit Except in its proper place Sometimes you have to flip Sometimes you need to move Other times you have to zoom out To see the bigger picture And once the picture is done you’ll build a masterpiece

Wounds and cuts Are proof that you survived the war Similar to failures and knockdowns The more you have the stronger you become It's hard, true But it's worth every second

He wanted to feed his child That was his only goal He worked day and night Until one day he made it Now he wants to feed his family After some time he did it again Now he decided to feed the entire village He did it again!! One person good will Can move mountains

It’s 4:00 AM I wake up A great tweet comes to my mind I write it instantly It’s 4:00 PM I drink 2 cups of coffee Headphones with work music Still can’t find anything to write Creativity is strange sometimes you have to leave boat To Sail

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An endless war every day A brutal fight for the throne Dozen of casualties and chaos Until one day the king found the secret Life came back to the city Every thought prospered again He found the solution a pen and a paper He found peace

I follow you You follow me We are happy family With a DM comes from me to you Won't you DM me too Childhood memories. But that's not how you build a brand. Who read it with the melody ?

A monster in the wardrobe That's what she lived with For years she could hear him At the darkest nights screeching Until one day she decided I'll confront that monster With the last drops of courage She opened the door There was nothing inside Face your fear

Wolf .. Wolf !! The wolf is coming to get the sheep If only the shepherd was truthful He would’ve saved the sheep You are the shepherd Your followers are the villagers Don’t lose your villagers Don’t lose their trust Be truthful.

You are great writer Excellent !! You use sophisticated words Amazing !! You write with your eyes closed Wonderful !! But without your story, you will never connect at a deeper level Information is everywhere now However, your life experiences are unique Share them.

How to have huge engagements Engage with others Easy enough! Let me add one more Engage with value!! Promise this is the last one Engage with value, as if you are writing a tweet Congrats now you know the secret It's time to act, thats what will make the difference

400 followers!! But I failed.. Yup I failed.. • 1 tweet per day • No giveaway • No threads Failed on following the norm Yet I’m still growing Your journey is unique Take advice from others but never forget to experiment.

Meraki ⛩️ Reposted

Don’t touch the fire His mother said Yet he did, and got burned So she changed the approach She told him a story His eyes shined with every line He remembered every part of it Now he wants more Now she reached his heart Don’t be a preacher Be a storyteller


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