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Mesriani Sipayung


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Joined January 2014
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I believe You're my Healer☂

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liputan6dotcom's tweet image. Meghan Trainor Akui Sering Mabuk <a style="text-decoration: none;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://t.co/DkpXjAgdr1">bit.ly/1KUktwp</a> http://t.co/foDjuSxFAW

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Insomnia itu biasanya dibentuk dari pola tidur yang kurang sehat, kebiasaan, pola makan dan istirahat yang kurang baik. #Psikologi

Morning! May it be coming soon!

Mesriani Sipayung Reposted

Tuhan memberikan cacing untuk setiap burung, tetapi Tuhan tidak melemparkannya ke dalam sarangnya

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VIVAcoid's tweet image. Lee Kuan Yew Wafat, Singapura Banjir Doa dan Karangan Bunga <a style="text-decoration: none;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://t.co/qPkejgUNb3">dlvr.it/94Yh5S</a> http://t.co/qB3ormxkPG

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Before you see the rainbow, you see the rain. If you want to reach your goals, you have to be able to put up with the pain.

Mesriani Sipayung Reposted

RT @VIVA_log: Tujuh Kekayaan Papua Barat Tak Ternilai Harganya dlvr.it/91pBHw http://t.co/Zjpm947bkf

VIVAcoid's tweet image. RT @VIVA_log: Tujuh Kekayaan Papua Barat Tak Ternilai Harganya <a style="text-decoration: none;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://t.co/8BcBsZFmtZ">dlvr.it/91pBHw</a> http://t.co/Zjpm947bkf

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liputan6dotcom's tweet image. Tips Agar Gadget Anda Tidak Overheating <a style="text-decoration: none;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://t.co/FEou11gJrU">bit.ly/1B6d4To</a> http://t.co/y9S1qJw5CW

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Pramugari "Skandal Kacang" Korean Air, Layangkan Tuntutan goo.gl/MRDdys

Trying to enjoy everything 'cause it's too expensive.

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Kurangi Makan Malam Cara Terbaik Kontrol Diabetes #ExperienceTheZone okz.me/St3M http://t.co/ac5omVgiBc

okezonenews's tweet image. Kurangi Makan Malam Cara Terbaik Kontrol Diabetes #ExperienceTheZone <a style="text-decoration: none;" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="http://t.co/8KYLGjT96t">okz.me/St3M</a> http://t.co/ac5omVgiBc

Never stops dreaming, stay cool n keep spirit☂ http://t.co/fYAQkjSG6A

MeiMesrianiSip's tweet image. Never stops dreaming, stay cool n keep spirit☂ http://t.co/fYAQkjSG6A

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Ya Yesus berilah kami istirahat yg cukup agar kita dapat berkarya pada esok hari dan menjadi pembawa damai!

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We are sure that the judgement of Him is according to truth against them which commit such thing. Careful with all the part of your body!

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