@LukiAdjie Profile picture

Luki Adjie Herdika


As a Wedding Advisor, I work with a lot of people. This is good because opportunities can come from anyone

Joined September 2013

Close your mouth. Speak like eyes and heart, they never lie. Follow the rules and Keep promises so think smart before Speak out! silence doesn't mean you don't know. "Welcome September"" instagram.com/p/CEjrcM0pVaP/…

Bebas dong suka suka, eks-announcher muda style radio taken @rinicarmelia instagram.com/p/CE1JeshJKpB/…

Tidak pernah cerita bukan berarti tidak punya masalah tapi karena tau ujungnya kalo gak dibilang tabah pasti jadi bahan ghibah #thatstrue instagram.com/p/CFC0dn5Jaxy/…

Saya sudah menyelesaikan Kelas Rahasia Laris Berjualan di Instagram di GETI Inkubator online.geti.id/certificate.ph…

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