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M Lucy Kobayashi


Australian based linguist, enthusiast of photography, cinematography, film production, painting, history, and writing

Joined June 2015
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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2847 oll-mhargadh/oll-mhargaid = supermarket, margadh-trealaich = flea market #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2846 trast-rathad sìobra = zebra crossing, staran-rèile = railroad crossing #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2845 tubhailt-chidsin = kitchen towel, roileag-chidsin = kitchen roll #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2844 criadhadaireachd = pottery or potter's trade, ball-acainn = piece of equipment or tool #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2843 leabhar bog = paperback (book), leabhar cruaidh = hardback (book) #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2842 comhachag-bhàn/cailleach-oidhche bhàn = barn owl (tyto alba), fàsach = good pasture #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2841 stad-uaireadair = stopwatch, glainne-uarach = hourglass #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2840 Lochlannach/Lochlainneach/Lochlainneach = Scandinavian or Viking, aodach breacanach = tartan cloth or tartan clothing #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2839 clag-làimhe = handbell, clag-eaglaise = church bell #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2838 braislead/làmh-fhail/bann-làimhe/usgar-làimhe = bracelet, meanbh-ghàirdean = armlet #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2837 port-adhair = airport, Port Rìgh = Portree (Highland) #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2836 tàbhairn/taigh-tàirn = tavern, sabhal an deicheimh = tithe barn #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2835 taoiseag = doughnut, greidhlean = tart (baked) #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2834 fàradh = ladder, roost, traditional loft, or shrouds (of a ship), sgeilp = shelf (furniture) or shelf (in geology) #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2833 agaid/pioghaid/breac-mhac = magpie (pica pica), paracait/buidsidh = common parakeet (budgie/budgerigar) #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2832 dealbh co-chothromaichte = symmetrical design, plana ùrlair = floor plan #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2831 seabhag-oidhche/seabhag-fheasgair = hawk-owl, antalop gobhal-chabrach = pronghorn antelope #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2830 obair-dachaigh = homework, staing treabhair = homestead moat #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2829 coimiutair = commuter, ionad-carbaid = station, baile-turasachd/baile shaor-làithean = holiday resort #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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Scots Gaelic Challenge Day 2828 crùn-choinnlear = chandelier, seòmar-dannsaidh = ballroom #Gaelic #language #Gaidhlig

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