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ላለፉት 30 ዓመታት አማራ ላይ የተዛባ ትርክት ተተረከ እያሉ የሀገሪቱን ህግ ስያንቋሽሹ የሚውሉ አማሮች እነሱ በሐይማኖት የጸሎት መጽሐፍቶቻቸው ሳይቀር ከ1270 ዓም ጀምረው በሀገሪቱ ህዝቦች ላይ የሚረጩትን መርዝ ለምን አላሰቡም?

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Lolaasaa Reposted

Aduureen lenccaa fogortee! Amhara elite politics is about land expansion & domination! Not a new ideology though!

If every #Amhara is #Fanno and every Fannoo is Fighting then every Amhara is fighting, If Fanno is dying and every Amhara is Fanno, then every Amhara is dying! The logic is no civilian Amhara is dying. #Ethiopia

አማሮች ለዘመናት በሌሎች የኢትዮጵያ ብሔሮች ባህል፣ ቋንቋና እሴት ላይ መጥፎ አባባል እየቀረጹ ሲረጩ የኖሩትን ጥላቻ ወደራሳቸው እየገለበጥን ነው! 💪

ማን ቆለፈሽ ታዲያ? እዚህ ከመቦጫጨር እዚያው በተግባር አትጋፈጪም?

እነ ጥላሁን ገሠሠ: ቴዲ አፍሮ: አሊ ቢራ:ማህሙድ አህመድ..ድንቅ ድምጻውያን መካከል ናቸው::"የሰው ልጅ ሆዱ ሲከፋው ጊዜም እንደ ሰው ሲገፋው:መሄጃ መውጫ ሲጠፋው ዝምታ ብቻ ነው ተስፋው"ይላል ማህሙድ "ዝምታ ነው መልሴ"ን ሲያዜም::ለአንድ ዓመት ሞከርኩት

Lolaasaa Reposted

BAGA AYYAANA IRREECHAATIIN NU/ISIN GAHE! Ayyanni Irreechaa mallattoo Tokkummaati! Irreechi mallattoo Jaalalaati! Irreechi baranaa Badhaadhina kan itti dhugoomsinu, dha Ayyaana Gaarii isiniif haa ta’u

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The only thing #Ethiopia can do to get peace in the east for the coming half a century could be by allowing #Somalia disintegration. The al-shabab should be allowed to do everything it wants.

#Ethiopia will not leave the occupied strategic places in #Somalia as far as #Egypt is there! The war should start there and end there, period!

Lolaasaa Reposted

#Irecha2023 Baha Biiftuu, laali ifa addashee... 😍

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Lolaasaa Reposted

#Irecha2023 Walloo waloo! Biyya bareedinaa

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Lolaasaa Reposted

This our beautiful Ayyuu @AyantuOromtitii

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Lolaasaa Reposted

ከአማራ ፓለቲከኞች እንደ ልደቱ አያሌው የበሰለ የለም! ያው አሀዳዊና የተስፋፊና ሰልቃጭ ፓለቲካ ቢያራምድም! ህዝብን ማሸነፍ እንደማይቻል ስለገባው ከፓለቲካ መሀይምናኑ ፋኖ ውስጥ እጁን አልዶለም! ጭራሽ በዚህ ፓለቲካችሁ የትም አትደርሱ ብሎአቸዋል!

Lolaasaa Reposted

You think just because it is narrated by some A**hole in English, it will make the content true....find your fools....the silent majority is with PM Abiy!

Lolaasaa Reposted

#FACT. The Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the EU stressed that the city of Mogadishu in the weak and failed administration of Somalia will become another Gaza. So the ruling regime in🇪🇬 is not going to save the second Gaza, they are going to invade 🇪🇹,Egypt is playing with fire.

Lolaasaa Reposted

The #Eritrean people will not have freedom and Eritrea's neighbors won't have peace until #Eritrea has a democratic govt instead of one that oppresses its citizens and neighbors. The U.S. must support the Eritrean people in their fight for a free Eritrea.

ይህቺ ሠውየ🤣🤣

ሞጣ ትክክል ነው! 🥰🥰🥰

Lolaasaa Reposted

የአዲስ አበባዋ ተማሪ ሲፈን ተክሉ በዘንድሮ የ12ኛ ክፍል መልቀቂያ ፈተና በተፈጥሮ ሳይንስ ከ600ው 575 በማምጣት ከፍተኛ ውጤት አስመዝግባለች።

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Lolaasaa Reposted

አንድ በቃ የሆነ ንግግር እዉነትም አሲዶች❤ ጀዛኸላህ ብሮ 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Lolaasaa Reposted

ፋኖ vz TDF TDF ሙድ ይይዛል😂😂😂🙈 #ethiopia


ድንበር ተሻግሮ ሊሰርቅና ሊያርድ ሊያጠፋም መጥቶ የነበረው አንገት ቆራጩ ፋኖ በኦሮሚያ ክልል ሰሜን ሸዋ ዞን ደራ ወረዳ ላይ በአንበሶቹ ክፉኛ ስለተጎዳ መተቱን ጥሎ ፈርጥጧል!!


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