LexiLive's profile picture. ...diamonds under my feet... diamonds in my heart...
Her dash is vibrant



...diamonds under my feet... diamonds in my heart... Her dash is vibrant

Joined June 2009
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Can someone please help Ashley find some adult clothes. This polka dot outfit looks like it came from Rainbow #RHOP

House Hunters

The HGTV show that made you an HGTV fan.

I wish @DisneyStudios would have changed the script once they decided not to pay @mindykaling properly. This new disgust makes the second movie drag. You can tell she’s trying to sound like Mindy and I just…. Makes me like the first one better.

I really wanted to like Candiace in season 7, but my goodness her issues with light skinned girls was/is soooooooo triggering.

Ashley stands by Michael because he has money and because her own father doesn’t stand by her. It’s so sad. #RHOP #season4 That’s why they drag on this divorce

Not Monique saying “it’s a fan page, it’s a fan page” and then acknowledging that her brother runs it. They shoulda went in. #RHOP #Season3 #Binge

Girl… I can’t believe Ashley was struggling so hard to continue to pay her mom’s bills. Sheeeeesh. #RHOP #season3

It’s like her feet aren’t on the ground. #KarenHuger #RHOP

I really hope that Karen Huger is a character that producers created because she is a whole mess. Even before the tax issues #RHOPseason3

Dear customer service agents. If someone is contacting you with questions about traveling with their child, it just MIIIIIGHT be their first time. Dummies.

Booking through Alaska was seamless.

Hello… why is @delta so bad at preparing for infant travel. I booked a flight and included my infant… no section to add her info. Day before the trip I contact just to make sure we are all good… need a “ticket” for my infant. It’s free, but this is trash.

I love me some @HeyFranHey, and also:.. as an Oregonian… hearing her say “PNW” makes me criiiiiiinge 😂 it reminds me of Insecure when they called Inglewood “I-wood”. We legit just call it the Pacific Northwest. So glad you’re enjoying my state though.

Y’all… why was the baby at the event in theeeeeeee first place? Hello? 😂 mamas labia stitches still fresh.

The baby has no idea what’s happening 😭

Erummmmm dearest Hanna Andersson… what’s goin on with these hoods Breh?? 👀 very pekkkuliar

LexiLive's tweet image. Erummmmm dearest Hanna Andersson… what’s goin on with these hoods Breh?? 👀 very pekkkuliar

I wish we would celebrate people more for non-traditional things... 💍🏡👶🏽 Like congratulations for completing xx amount of therapy sessions and creating boundaries. Congratulations for going to the gym consistently for a month. Congratulations for paying off your credit card.

Judging my Facebook memories. We are due for a heavily publicized… let me not get flagged…. But I’ll say this… 2012 was Trayvon Martin… Alton Sterling was 2016… George Floyd was 2020…

I mean @mayasworld

The number of times I’ve seen versions of @shamelessmaya’s phrases?!? I am amazed.

LexiLive's tweet image. The number of times I’ve seen versions of @shamelessmaya’s phrases?!? I am amazed.

The number of times I’ve seen versions of @shamelessmaya’s phrases?!? I am amazed.

LexiLive's tweet image. The number of times I’ve seen versions of @shamelessmaya’s phrases?!? I am amazed.

I really wish @target would stop stealing $0.90 every time I place a drive up order. I can’t even. They’ve pocketed hundreds off me alone. Smh. Not to mention the higher prices you pay for some items.


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