LeandraF's profile picture. Nem te conto, mas se eu contar não vai ser fakenews 🇧🇷 Journalist based on 🇺🇸 Account Executive Datadog

Leandra Felipe


Nem te conto, mas se eu contar não vai ser fakenews 🇧🇷 Journalist based on 🇺🇸 Account Executive Datadog

Joined April 2009
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Pegamos um ônibus errado pra chegar aqui no faz o M?

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Vá em paz, Silvio Santos. Nunca vamos esquecer desses momentos ❤️🌻

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🔥VEM FALAR DESSE SHOW INCRÍVEL!!! Participe pela #SpaceDoMuka

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Clique no link abaixo para participar do nosso Webinar Datadog de julho! lnkd.in/gHC_ZfSy

Workflow automation para encontrar problemas de ponta-a-ponta ainda mais rapidamente #automation #datadog #ia lnkd.in/gVydrjwB

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#BREAKING: Officers have responded to an active shooter inside the Northside Hospital Midtown medical office building at 1110 West Peachtree Street. There is a large contingency of heavily armed officers outside: bit.ly/3HCZy6m

ajc's tweet image. #BREAKING: Officers have responded to an active shooter inside the Northside Hospital Midtown medical office building at 1110 West Peachtree Street. There is a large contingency of heavily armed officers outside: bit.ly/3HCZy6m
ajc's tweet image. #BREAKING: Officers have responded to an active shooter inside the Northside Hospital Midtown medical office building at 1110 West Peachtree Street. There is a large contingency of heavily armed officers outside: bit.ly/3HCZy6m

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