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Joined August 2015
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Esitlen uut joomismängu Samm 1 -Mine Rakvere kesklinna Samm 2- Võta shot iga kord kui näed meessoost isikut HH tumesinise tuulejopega möödumas Garanteerin, et poole tunniga sa ei mäleta isegi oma nime enam

6ik Reposted

meil on uut lockdowni vaja

tweetmargna's tweet image. meil on uut lockdowni vaja

6ik Reposted

i'd be outside my house with a boombox in the rain.

Would YOU date YOU?

6ik Reposted

giggling out loud, estonia when?

6ik Reposted

Viljandi maakond, Viljandi linn, Reinu tee 19a-10, 71011 madis.moppel.002@mail.ee +372 56818422 facebook.com/madis.moppel

6ik Reposted

+372 53649846 Viljandi maakond, Viljandi vald, Vardi küla, Kastani, 71109 Ardel1@hot.ee facebook.com/tiit.ardel

6ik Reposted

sõbrad! tuletaks korra meelde, et ukrainas käib ikkagi päris sõda.

6ik Reposted

The absolute level of cruelty of these people.

ask_aubry's tweet image. The absolute level of cruelty of these people.

6ik Reposted

See võttis reaalselt 5 sekundit. Mis sinu vabandus on, et sa pole veel om aallkirja andnud? digilugu.ee

LemmitK's tweet image. See võttis reaalselt 5 sekundit. Mis sinu vabandus on, et sa pole veel om aallkirja andnud?


6ik Reposted

niipea kui vv kolis twitterisse, on tema hala ja möla kõik kohad täis. Kas tõesti me lihtsalt ei saaks teda kollektiivselt ignoreerida? Rääkida tuviga pole ju millestki..

6ik Reposted
's tweet image.

6ik Reposted


6ik Reposted

This how I want ppl to act when I say I don’t like someone 😭

A restaurant owner in Barcelona threw out Pique and his girlfriend because of his love for Shakira.

ThePopTingz's tweet image. A restaurant owner in Barcelona threw out Pique and his girlfriend because of his love for Shakira.
ThePopTingz's tweet image. A restaurant owner in Barcelona threw out Pique and his girlfriend because of his love for Shakira.

6ik Reposted

Kui mehed õhtul kodus püsiks, siis ei tuleks ka naisi keegi vägistama tho..

adee823's tweet image. Kui mehed õhtul kodus püsiks, siis ei tuleks ka naisi keegi vägistama tho..

6ik Reposted

“R u okay” bro the sky been grey for 3 weeks

6ik Reposted

"i saw your ex" - is the most unnecessary piece of information

6ik Reposted

yes, please do enlighten me. email me at smalldickenergy@getalife.com

Hello @GretaThunberg I have 33 cars. My Bugatti has a w16 8.0L quad turbo. My TWO Ferrari 812 competizione have 6.5L v12s. This is just the start. Please provide your email address so I can send a complete list of my car collection and their respective enormous emissions.

Cobratate's tweet image. Hello @GretaThunberg 

I have 33 cars. 

My Bugatti has a w16 8.0L quad turbo. 

My TWO Ferrari 812 competizione have 6.5L v12s.

This is just the start.

Please provide your email address so I can send a complete list of my car collection and their respective enormous emissions.

6ik Reposted

Palun aitame koos väiksel võõral poisil ellu jääda. 308 000st on 180 000 puudu ja risk kasvab päevadega. Kui iga mu jàlgija loobuks 25 eurost, oleks ravisumma koos. Ja me oleks paremad kui riik, kes selle poisi surema jättis. hel 9005025 = 5 eurot tervis.postimees.ee/7666800/harvik…

6ik Reposted

“you changed” bro i was 15

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