@KnoopsRob Profile picture

Rob Knoops


Past: Theoretical particle physicist at CERN, cosmologist at Chulalongkorn University. Present: Applied maths and deep learning

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Rob Knoops Reposted

I had so many dreams. I wanted my own science show on Netflix. I wanted to start a family with Kyle. I wanted to scuba in Australia. Now, I just want to walk again. I want to have a real conversation. I want to read a book again. I want to listen to music and see my family.

Rob Knoops Reposted

I teach patho to nursing students. Every semester since spring of 2020, I have taught about Covid. And every semester to have to change my lecture to keep up with new data. I was teaching Covid this semester and I told them that if nothing else, understand the science 1/n

Rob Knoops Reposted

Een nieuw dieptepunt is bereikt. Er komt inmiddels meer info over onze varianten uit de USA en Zuid-Korea, die reizigers testen, dan van het @rivm . 31 samples op GISAID voor week 20/21. 14 van het @amsterdamumc , 9 uit het buitenland en 8 van het RIVM. 1/2

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Rob Knoops Reposted

De organisatoren van de Tour de France hebben een anti-Covid-protocol opgesteld: Toegang tot de paddock alleen met maskers In hotels blijven Sociale afstand in het hotel Geen selfies met toeschouwers, geen handtekening Covid-19 is niet voorbij! #MaskUp reuters.com/sports/cycling…

Rob Knoops Reposted

At the heart of COVID minimisation lies a Social Darwinist assault on medicine. It emanates from the implicit neo-Darwinian lying at the core of neoliberalism, which assumes all societal progress is driven by unfettered market competition.🧵

Rob Knoops Reposted

Big news: we're launching a new course in <4 weeks. "From Deep Learning Foundations to Stable Diffusion". Bigger news: for this course, we're teaming up with @StabilityAI! AFAIK, this is the 1st course that covers every method used in Stable Diffusion. fast.ai/posts/part2-20…

Rob Knoops Reposted

After posting a paper from Nature on transmission of C19 between mothers and babies, our account got flagged and that tweet blocked. Overnight, our followers dropped from 1,117 to 83. Please, refollow us and retweet this tweet. Happy Sunday! #MedTwitter #LongCovid #ItsTheVirus

Rob Knoops Reposted

😬 #DontLookUp in real life. 🥵

Tweet from dutch government: "What is herd immunity and why is it important". Amazing

Wat is groepsimmuniteit en waarom is het belangrijk? Wat als het virus verandert? Wat is het gevolg van een zero-covid beleid in China voor wat betreft groepsimmuniteit? Hoe gaat groepsimmuniteit ons de komende jaren helpen tegen corona? De antwoorden ⤵ youtu.be/TpS470JksRA

Rob Knoops Reposted

New @CDCMMWR: Approximately 1 in 5 adults ages 18+ experience a new condition a month or more after surviving #COVID19. More: bit.ly/MMWR7121.

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Rob Knoops Reposted

Schwere COVID Erkrankungen gehen oft mit sehr deutlichen Einschränkungen der Denkfähigkeit einher. In Tagen kann das Gehirn um 20 Jahre altern. 4. Impfung schützt zuverlässig vor schweren Verläufen. Ältere und Menschen mit Risikofaktoren sollten sie nutzen medicalnewstoday.com/articles/covid…

Rob Knoops Reposted

Israel: The hepatitis is a because we infected kids with SARS2 Japan: the hepatitis is because we infected kids with SARS2 India: The hepatitis is because we infected kids with SARS2 Spain: The hepatitis is because we infected kids with SARS2 CDC: We’re thinking it’s dogs

Rob Knoops Reposted

Management technique we learned early on: short-term machine learning deadlines can be set based on inputs (e.g. high-quality execution on a set of experiments) but not outputs (e.g. reaching some level of performance). Science does not bend easily to the wishes of managers.

“Are there any software engineers that switched into a machine learning role and found it a lot more stressful due to deadlines combined with the uncertainty of research?” Discussion: redd.it/ulsuzn

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Rob Knoops Reposted

everyone on ML twitter right now

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Rob Knoops Reposted

It is often claimed that string theory has caught so much attention because it is mathematically appealing. If so, that is not per se a good argument for it being a useful physics theory. Yet, this is not why strings get so much attention. The real reasons are: 1/12

Looking forward to see the results of this one. @gezmedinger has had interesting results with his past surveys

Us first wavers are now TWO YEARS in to our Long Covid journey. How’s it going? Following on from my recovery surveys at 6mths, 1yr & 18mths - here’s the latest! It takes around 60 secs to complete & submissions/data are anonymous. Please share. 1/3 forms.gle/tmG9ELxrjGwpwj…

Rob Knoops Reposted

Many cyclists and bikers, including top C. Sagan and V. Nibali, are reporting prolonged symptoms and/or multiple SARS-CoV-2 infections. These are having a severe impact on their careers "We probably underestimated the effects of the virus" #LongCovid meteoweb.eu/2022/04/colbre…


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