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Kevin Kristian


Joined January 2011
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Really.. i try not to give a fck to anyone or anything, even if it's painful.

Wanna forgetting her, but still stuck in jealous...

God, i don't wanna fall'in love again..

Need someone to talk to

Melukai seseorang demi menjaga perasaan seseorang.. :')

The real of "kalo lu punya masalah pribadi, jangan dibawa di tempat kerja" wkwkwk that's fuckin hit me wkwkwk

Pelarian cowok single, kalo gak ngewibu ya ngopi... #staypositive

Mostly, kenapa kalo cewek single, itu banyak yg tajir-tajir sih... bawa mobil, iphone barang2 branded, sedangkan yang cowok kalo single itu kayak gak terawat, nolep kesannya, gue misalnya...

Try to be okay when it's not okay...

Song of the day, and yesterday and tomorrow and next day and next day is "Comedy-Gen Hoshino"

Thanks L'Arc-en-Ciel for spending 1,844 minutes with me in 2022. I couldn’t stop listening to 自由への招待 - Remastered 2022. #SpotifyWrapped open.spotify.com/artist/6jTjjAj…

It's okey to be a stage-crew man, as long as it's halal... :)

People say "hang out, jamm'in, gather with another musician, so they will hire you" Also people "you're worst, bad attitude, you're not in our circle, i feel uncomfy to play with you"

Man can't cry, but i will

Ngejar2 kayak debt collector ? Lahh perjanjiannya gimana ? Yaa terserah mau nganggep debt collector ato apapun itu, yaa harusnya hak nya saya tolong penuhi janjinya

Bodo amat njir sesibuk2nya mereka, kan sudah di fasilitasi m-banking di smartphone, why you dont use that properly? Why always makes people waiting ? They need me, and i need the job and money

Kenapa ya, tiap ditanya soal bayaran cair kapan mesti slow respon, padahal mereka2 ini kalo bayaran digantung juga gamau kan ?

On repeat:Selir Hati - T.R.I.A.D

1 ato 2 orang yang ngucapin disyukuri aja yaa... toh udah banyak badai yang dilewati... Semangat!

It takes some time to accept this shit thing....

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