Array ( [cursor] => +UOQGa0uNddS2tp6tJOjRzg0N0oyU0FQNmhBalJGclk0SmxKR3g4V3c3Vk5UVVV2blc5K0RtWlRPV1NUSHdlclJRdEd6QXR3dGZ6TURGVEt4WU9TbzRnbmZwVVQ2Qy93NGxQeFB4VnNpVDRneG9sVHFOK2s1OHh4OGF1RkVuaWtoOExoNDJmVmQ1ckppT2ZETFFlenFPL0VKa2RKM0J0Zmwzd2ZML2xHbVRzQVkvVGRzV3FYQXZadDVTOD0= [is_verified] => [pinTweet] => Array ( [1212646446979305472] => Array ( [card] => [peopleCard] => [conversation_id_str] => 1212646446979305472 [created_at] => Thu Jan 02 08:06:57 +0000 2020 [favorite_count] => 7 [quote_count] => 0 [reply_count] => 1 [retweet_count] => 1 [bookmark_count] => 0 [view_count] => 0 [full_text] => 2018- met the love of my life 2019- we moved into an apartment in a big city 2020- ❔well good luck Charlie [extended_entities] => Array ( [media] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_url] => [type] => photo [display_url] => [expanded_url] => ) ) ) [is_quote_status] => [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 1445363216 [is_blue_verified] => [screen_name] => Jaze_19 [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => Jasmine🌺 ) ) ) [tweets] => Array ( [1671938089667952641] => Array ( [card] => [peopleCard] => [is_retweet] => Jasmine🌺 [conversation_id_str] => 1671938089667952641 [created_at] => Thu Jun 22 17:47:58 +0000 2023 [favorite_count] => 180755 [quote_count] => 4775 [reply_count] => 737 [retweet_count] => 36767 [bookmark_count] => 17569 [view_count] => 17520153 [full_text] => in honor of 'White Chicks' premiering 19 years ago, here's a thread with the most iconic scenes from the movie: [extended_entities] => Array ( [media] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_url] => [type] => photo [display_url] => [expanded_url] => ) ) ) [is_quote_status] => [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 1193761285948743680 [is_blue_verified] => 1 [screen_name] => notgwendalupe [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => Pop & Hot Culture ) ) [1668111981398618112] => Array ( [card] => [peopleCard] => [is_retweet] => Jasmine🌺 [conversation_id_str] => 1668111981398618112 [created_at] => Mon Jun 12 04:24:23 +0000 2023 [favorite_count] => 25683 [quote_count] => 5381 [reply_count] => 813 [retweet_count] => 1707 [bookmark_count] => 465 [view_count] => 47316680 [full_text] => Miley Cyrus is rumored to be in talks to perform at the upcoming SuperBowl halftime show. [extended_entities] => Array ( [media] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_url] => [type] => photo [display_url] => [expanded_url] => ) ) ) [is_quote_status] => [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 1359293410847383558 [is_blue_verified] => 1 [screen_name] => ThePopTingz [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => Pop Tingz ) ) [1621933270140178437] => Array ( [card] => [peopleCard] => [is_retweet] => [conversation_id_str] => 1621933270140178437 [created_at] => Sat Feb 04 18:06:40 +0000 2023 [favorite_count] => 0 [quote_count] => 0 [reply_count] => 0 [retweet_count] => 0 [bookmark_count] => 0 [view_count] => 96 [full_text] => When he irritates you, but he takes you to your fav restaurant [extended_entities] => [is_quote_status] => 1 [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 1445363216 [is_blue_verified] => [screen_name] => Jaze_19 [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => Jasmine🌺 ) ) [1617251038670557184] => Array ( [card] => [peopleCard] => [is_retweet] => Jasmine🌺 [conversation_id_str] => 1617251038670557184 [created_at] => Sun Jan 22 20:01:09 +0000 2023 [favorite_count] => 90402 [quote_count] => 1981 [reply_count] => 335 [retweet_count] => 39097 [bookmark_count] => 3619 [view_count] => 4782849 [full_text] => Delete conversations that hurt you whenever you read them. Delete phone numbers. Block contacts. Restrict. Mute. Unfollow. Remove negative energy from your life. Do whatever it is that you need to do in order to heal and create a positive environment for yourself. [extended_entities] => [is_quote_status] => [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 1268133037415583744 [is_blue_verified] => [screen_name] => Derz112 [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => Oba, Young OG Pino ) ) [1605697995533492225] => Array ( [card] => [peopleCard] => [is_retweet] => Jasmine🌺 [conversation_id_str] => 1605697995533492225 [created_at] => Wed Dec 21 22:53:29 +0000 2022 [favorite_count] => 41798 [quote_count] => 289 [reply_count] => 65 [retweet_count] => 5474 [bookmark_count] => 1233 [view_count] => 3162520 [full_text] => I mean, this game right here... [extended_entities] => Array ( [media] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_url] => [type] => video [display_url] => [expanded_url] => [video_url] => ) ) ) [is_quote_status] => 1 [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 964585687549804544 [is_blue_verified] => [screen_name] => blkgirlmehhhh [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => Lift Ev'ry Voice & Swing 🪑🪑🪑🪑 ) [quoted_status] => Array ( [card] => [conversation_id_str] => 1605644984136257536 [created_at] => Wed Dec 21 19:22:50 +0000 2022 [favorite_count] => 26935 [quote_count] => 332 [reply_count] => 104 [retweet_count] => 2131 [bookmark_count] => 535 [view_count] => 6318891 [full_text] => Happy Birthday @quintabrunson!! 🎉 In honor of her birthday let’s take a look back at a few of our favorite viral moments before #AbbottElementary & drop your favorite Quinta moment in the thread too 👇🏾 [extended_entities] => Array ( [media] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_url] => [type] => photo [display_url] => [expanded_url] => ) ) ) [is_quote_status] => [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 118369820 [is_blue_verified] => [screen_name] => shadowandact [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => Shadow and Act ) ) ) [1588122599141285890] => Array ( [card] => [peopleCard] => [is_retweet] => Jasmine🌺 [conversation_id_str] => 1588122599141285890 [created_at] => Thu Nov 03 10:55:08 +0000 2022 [favorite_count] => 36385 [quote_count] => 1357 [reply_count] => 177 [retweet_count] => 8020 [bookmark_count] => 6240 [view_count] => 0 [full_text] => We asked eldest daughters if their 'eldest daughter strengths' were really strengths or trauma responses? Here are some responses below. [extended_entities] => [is_quote_status] => [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 1010951545746227200 [is_blue_verified] => [screen_name] => HomeGirlsUnite [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => HomeGirlsUnite ) ) [1582613038011543553] => Array ( [card] => [peopleCard] => [is_retweet] => Jasmine🌺 [conversation_id_str] => 1582613038011543553 [created_at] => Wed Oct 19 06:02:06 +0000 2022 [favorite_count] => 16444 [quote_count] => 875 [reply_count] => 126 [retweet_count] => 2066 [bookmark_count] => 817 [view_count] => 0 [full_text] => Melt Cosmetics has a “Bad Sides” Zodiac Collection and these shade names are hilarious 😂 [extended_entities] => Array ( [media] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_url] => [type] => photo [display_url] => [expanded_url] => ) [1] => Array ( [media_url] => [type] => photo [display_url] => [expanded_url] => ) [2] => Array ( [media_url] => [type] => photo [display_url] => [expanded_url] => ) [3] => Array ( [media_url] => [type] => photo [display_url] => [expanded_url] => ) ) ) [is_quote_status] => [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 1448664833067401219 [is_blue_verified] => [screen_name] => kanakastrology [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => Kūnaʻe 🦉 ) ) [1573804876731240448] => Array ( [card] => [peopleCard] => Array ( [id_str] => 121109690 [screen_name] => absolutegazelle [name] => Steven Bonaventure x [profile_image_url_https] => [verified] => [protected] => [can_dm] => 1 [can_media_tag] => ) [is_retweet] => Jasmine🌺 [conversation_id_str] => 1573804876731240448 [created_at] => Sat Sep 24 22:41:37 +0000 2022 [favorite_count] => 17012 [quote_count] => 195 [reply_count] => 33 [retweet_count] => 2247 [bookmark_count] => 339 [view_count] => 0 [full_text] => My AirPods running out of power [extended_entities] => Array ( [media] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_url] => [type] => video [display_url] => [expanded_url] => [video_url] => ) ) ) [is_quote_status] => [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 2484580446 [is_blue_verified] => [screen_name] => Spilling_The_T [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => Meh ) ) [1552806115762749442] => Array ( [card] => [peopleCard] => [is_retweet] => Jasmine🌺 [conversation_id_str] => 1552806115762749442 [created_at] => Fri Jul 29 00:00:02 +0000 2022 [favorite_count] => 643 [quote_count] => 9 [reply_count] => 3 [retweet_count] => 311 [bookmark_count] => 5 [view_count] => 0 [full_text] => I am a good mom. 💛 [extended_entities] => Array ( [media] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_url] => [type] => photo [display_url] => [expanded_url] => ) ) ) [is_quote_status] => [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 703677021 [is_blue_verified] => 1 [screen_name] => MommaSabs [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => Sab ❤️ ) ) [1541210575929319424] => Array ( [card] => [peopleCard] => [is_retweet] => Jasmine🌺 [conversation_id_str] => 1541210575929319424 [created_at] => Mon Jun 27 00:03:30 +0000 2022 [favorite_count] => 203431 [quote_count] => 1431 [reply_count] => 2273 [retweet_count] => 51419 [bookmark_count] => 1695 [view_count] => 0 [full_text] => Killing trees that are over 1000 yrs old is fundamentally wrong! Everyone chime in on this plz [extended_entities] => [is_quote_status] => 1 [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 29749880 [is_blue_verified] => 1 [screen_name] => thekevlar [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => Marlon Kevlar ) [quoted_status] => Array ( [card] => [conversation_id_str] => 1541084887964327937 [created_at] => Sun Jun 26 15:44:03 +0000 2022 [favorite_count] => 28406 [quote_count] => 1584 [reply_count] => 926 [retweet_count] => 10166 [bookmark_count] => 279 [view_count] => 0 [full_text] => Over 1100 people have been arrested trying to protect these giants from being logged. Only a fraction of large old growth remain in B.C. and they keep falling. Protect our elders. #ActOnClimate #Climate #FairyCreek #bcpoli #bcgov @jjhorgan @bcndp pics by @TJWattPhoto [extended_entities] => Array ( [media] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_url] => [type] => photo [display_url] => [expanded_url] => ) [1] => Array ( [media_url] => [type] => photo [display_url] => [expanded_url] => ) [2] => Array ( [media_url] => [type] => photo [display_url] => [expanded_url] => ) ) ) [is_quote_status] => [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 15088481 [is_blue_verified] => 1 [screen_name] => MikeHudema [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => Mike Hudema ) ) ) [1536478631588945923] => Array ( [card] => [peopleCard] => [is_retweet] => [conversation_id_str] => 1536478631588945923 [created_at] => Mon Jun 13 22:40:26 +0000 2022 [favorite_count] => 6 [quote_count] => 1 [reply_count] => 0 [retweet_count] => 1 [bookmark_count] => 0 [view_count] => 0 [full_text] => All I have to say is if you really want to know who your REAL friends are, get pregnant and just see who is really there for you…. [extended_entities] => [is_quote_status] => [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 1445363216 [is_blue_verified] => [screen_name] => Jaze_19 [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => Jasmine🌺 ) ) [1523010398022414337] => Array ( [card] => [peopleCard] => [is_retweet] => Jasmine🌺 [conversation_id_str] => 1523010398022414337 [created_at] => Sat May 07 18:42:29 +0000 2022 [favorite_count] => 40298 [quote_count] => 304 [reply_count] => 15 [retweet_count] => 12211 [bookmark_count] => 751 [view_count] => 0 [full_text] => [extended_entities] => Array ( [media] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_url] => [type] => photo [display_url] => [expanded_url] => ) ) ) [is_quote_status] => [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 1514457637018083336 [is_blue_verified] => [screen_name] => guttergirl444 [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => 444 | magazine ) ) [1516481326269927429] => Array ( [card] => [peopleCard] => [is_retweet] => Jasmine🌺 [conversation_id_str] => 1516481326269927429 [created_at] => Tue Apr 19 18:18:17 +0000 2022 [favorite_count] => 408665 [quote_count] => 3910 [reply_count] => 1082 [retweet_count] => 68956 [bookmark_count] => 7409 [view_count] => 0 [full_text] => More than 6 years ago Amber Heard taunted Johnny Depp to tell the world and the jury that he was the victim of domestic violence and see who’ll believe him. Today she gets to sit there and watch him do exactly that. #JusticeForJohnnyDepp [extended_entities] => Array ( [media] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_url] => [type] => photo [display_url] => [expanded_url] => ) [1] => Array ( [media_url] => [type] => photo [display_url] => [expanded_url] => ) ) ) [is_quote_status] => [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 1196815898981605377 [is_blue_verified] => [screen_name] => mimasdiaries [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => M ) ) [1507159237541175298] => Array ( [card] => [peopleCard] => [is_retweet] => [conversation_id_str] => 1507159237541175298 [created_at] => Fri Mar 25 00:55:38 +0000 2022 [favorite_count] => 0 [quote_count] => 0 [reply_count] => 0 [retweet_count] => 0 [bookmark_count] => 0 [view_count] => 0 [full_text] => Literally Malibu every time [extended_entities] => [is_quote_status] => 1 [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 1445363216 [is_blue_verified] => [screen_name] => Jaze_19 [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => Jasmine🌺 ) ) [1491158347160383489] => Array ( [card] => [peopleCard] => [is_retweet] => Jasmine🌺 [conversation_id_str] => 1491158347160383489 [created_at] => Tue Feb 08 21:13:49 +0000 2022 [favorite_count] => 20022 [quote_count] => 535 [reply_count] => 61 [retweet_count] => 2167 [bookmark_count] => 214 [view_count] => 0 [full_text] => Idk maybe I'm just from the IE but this girl reminds me of hella people [extended_entities] => Array ( [media] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [media_url] => [type] => photo [display_url] => [expanded_url] => ) ) ) [is_quote_status] => [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 2211812774 [is_blue_verified] => [screen_name] => UncleKeni [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => Uncle Keni (Plz say the Uncle) ) ) [1487859903460958213] => Array ( [card] => [peopleCard] => [is_retweet] => Jasmine🌺 [conversation_id_str] => 1487859903460958213 [created_at] => Sun Jan 30 18:46:58 +0000 2022 [favorite_count] => 124494 [quote_count] => 2570 [reply_count] => 312 [retweet_count] => 36359 [bookmark_count] => 1402 [view_count] => 0 [full_text] => can’t tell if i need a hug or to get hit by a car [extended_entities] => [is_quote_status] => [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 907007454 [is_blue_verified] => [screen_name] => coltondoe [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => colton ) ) [1481433419292631040] => Array ( [card] => [peopleCard] => [is_retweet] => Jasmine🌺 [conversation_id_str] => 1481433419292631040 [created_at] => Thu Jan 13 01:10:25 +0000 2022 [favorite_count] => 110317 [quote_count] => 1314 [reply_count] => 121 [retweet_count] => 27411 [bookmark_count] => 1899 [view_count] => 0 [full_text] => If you're going to take my communication as arguing... don't even worry about it [extended_entities] => [is_quote_status] => [core] => Array ( [rest_id] => 927639593456947200 [is_blue_verified] => [screen_name] => uglygod_geno [profile_image_url_https] => [name] => AL🚫NE ) ) ) ) Jasmine🌺 @Jaze_19 Twitter Profile | Xstalk
Jaze_19's profile picture. II•XXIII•MMXVIII ♡ B ♡




Joined May 2013
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2018- met the love of my life 2019- we moved into an apartment in a big city 2020- ❔well good luck Charlie

Jaze_19's tweet image. 2018- met the love of my life 
2019- we moved into an apartment in a big city 
2020- ❔well good luck Charlie

Jasmine🌺 Reposted

in honor of 'White Chicks' premiering 19 years ago, here's a thread with the most iconic scenes from the movie:

notgwendalupe's tweet image. in honor of 'White Chicks' premiering 19 years ago, here's a thread with the most iconic scenes from the movie:

Jasmine🌺 Reposted

Miley Cyrus is rumored to be in talks to perform at the upcoming SuperBowl halftime show.

ThePopTingz's tweet image. Miley Cyrus is rumored to be in talks to perform at the upcoming SuperBowl halftime show.

When he irritates you, but he takes you to your fav restaurant

This post is unavailable.

Jasmine🌺 Reposted

Delete conversations that hurt you whenever you read them. Delete phone numbers. Block contacts. Restrict. Mute. Unfollow. Remove negative energy from your life. Do whatever it is that you need to do in order to heal and create a positive environment for yourself.

Jasmine🌺 Reposted

I mean, this game right here...

Happy Birthday @quintabrunson!! 🎉 In honor of her birthday let’s take a look back at a few of our favorite viral moments before #AbbottElementary & drop your favorite Quinta moment in the thread too 👇🏾

shadowandact's tweet image. Happy Birthday @quintabrunson!! 🎉

In honor of her birthday let’s take a look back at a few of our favorite viral moments before #AbbottElementary 

& drop your favorite Quinta moment in the thread too 👇🏾

Jasmine🌺 Reposted

We asked eldest daughters if their 'eldest daughter strengths' were really strengths or trauma responses? Here are some responses below.

Jasmine🌺 Reposted

Melt Cosmetics has a “Bad Sides” Zodiac Collection and these shade names are hilarious 😂

kanakastrology's tweet image. Melt Cosmetics has a “Bad Sides” Zodiac Collection and these shade names are hilarious 😂
kanakastrology's tweet image. Melt Cosmetics has a “Bad Sides” Zodiac Collection and these shade names are hilarious 😂
kanakastrology's tweet image. Melt Cosmetics has a “Bad Sides” Zodiac Collection and these shade names are hilarious 😂
kanakastrology's tweet image. Melt Cosmetics has a “Bad Sides” Zodiac Collection and these shade names are hilarious 😂

Jasmine🌺 Reposted

My AirPods running out of power

Jasmine🌺 Reposted

I am a good mom. 💛

MommaSabs's tweet image. I am a good mom. 💛

Jasmine🌺 Reposted

Killing trees that are over 1000 yrs old is fundamentally wrong! Everyone chime in on this plz

Over 1100 people have been arrested trying to protect these giants from being logged. Only a fraction of large old growth remain in B.C. and they keep falling. Protect our elders. #ActOnClimate #Climate #FairyCreek #bcpoli #bcgov @jjhorgan @bcndp pics by @TJWattPhoto

MikeHudema's tweet image. Over 1100 people have been arrested trying to protect these giants from being logged. Only a fraction of large old growth remain in B.C. and they keep falling.

Protect our elders. #ActOnClimate 

#Climate #FairyCreek #bcpoli #bcgov @jjhorgan @bcndp pics by @TJWattPhoto
MikeHudema's tweet image. Over 1100 people have been arrested trying to protect these giants from being logged. Only a fraction of large old growth remain in B.C. and they keep falling.

Protect our elders. #ActOnClimate 

#Climate #FairyCreek #bcpoli #bcgov @jjhorgan @bcndp pics by @TJWattPhoto
MikeHudema's tweet image. Over 1100 people have been arrested trying to protect these giants from being logged. Only a fraction of large old growth remain in B.C. and they keep falling.

Protect our elders. #ActOnClimate 

#Climate #FairyCreek #bcpoli #bcgov @jjhorgan @bcndp pics by @TJWattPhoto

All I have to say is if you really want to know who your REAL friends are, get pregnant and just see who is really there for you….

Jasmine🌺 Reposted
guttergirl444's tweet image.

Jasmine🌺 Reposted

More than 6 years ago Amber Heard taunted Johnny Depp to tell the world and the jury that he was the victim of domestic violence and see who’ll believe him. Today she gets to sit there and watch him do exactly that. #JusticeForJohnnyDepp

mimasdiaries's tweet image. More than 6 years ago Amber Heard taunted Johnny Depp to tell the world and the jury that he was the victim of domestic violence and see who’ll believe him. Today she gets to sit there and watch him do exactly that. 
mimasdiaries's tweet image. More than 6 years ago Amber Heard taunted Johnny Depp to tell the world and the jury that he was the victim of domestic violence and see who’ll believe him. Today she gets to sit there and watch him do exactly that. 

Literally Malibu every time

This post is unavailable.

Jasmine🌺 Reposted

Idk maybe I'm just from the IE but this girl reminds me of hella people

UncleKeni's tweet image. Idk maybe I'm just from the IE but this girl reminds me of hella people

Jasmine🌺 Reposted

can’t tell if i need a hug or to get hit by a car

Jasmine🌺 Reposted

If you're going to take my communication as arguing... don't even worry about it


Something went wrong.

Something went wrong.