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Jayson Sevener


Joined October 2023
Jayson Sevener Reposted

16. 11. - Scholz volá Putinovi 17. 11. - Rusko provádí jeden z nejmasivnější útoků na Ukrajinu 17. 11. - Rusko shazuje balistickou raketu na obytný dům v Sumách, 11 mrtvých 80 zraněných civilistů 18. 11. - Rusko provádí raketový útok na Oděsu, nejméně 8 mrtvých a desítky…

Jayson Sevener Reposted

I don’t want much in life. But I dream of the day that Ukraine gets to evict every single ruSSian who purchased stolen property in Mariupol. They stole that land. They murdered the Ukrainians that lived there. Never forgive. Never forget.

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Jayson Sevener Reposted

Please talk about this, scream about this, don’t let them fucking get away with this, please

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Jayson Sevener Reposted
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Jayson Sevener Reposted

❗️❗️❗️ Rudolf Huliak (SNS) označil našu poslankyňu @LuciaPlavakova za "suku" a vraj ju "nepovažuje za ženu". Je to absolútne neakceptovateľné. Takto Ficova koalícia polarizuje a radikalizuje verejnosť, takto šíria nenávisť a rozoštvávajú všetkých ľudí na Slovensku. Vyzývam…

Jayson Sevener Reposted

2/2 Ukrajinci🇺🇦se podle všeho do Toropecu u hranic s Pobaltím ještě jednou vrátili a provedli druhý útok!! 👉Tento sekundární útok dokazuje, že Ukrajina produkuje dostatek bezpilotních útočných systémů. Ukazuje také na to, jakou důležitost ukrajinský🇺🇦generální štáb přikládá…

Jayson Sevener Reposted

Aha, ešte pred vyše troma rokmi vedel rozmýšľať ekonomicky, ale zdá sa, že mu medzičasom prenastavili softvér v hlave na “politickú ekonómiu”.🤦🏻‍♂️

Jayson Sevener Reposted

Tak ma odvolali. Dnes sa všetky problémy Slovenska vyriešia. Zlacnejú potraviny, učiteľky a zdravotné sestry budú mať vyššie platy, naše deti prestanú utekať do zahraničia, do Košíc prídete po diaľnici a aj tá voda z pivníc sa vypumpuje sama. Po 4600 dňoch vlády Roberta Fica…

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Goose bumps.

"In the words of the great Steph Curry, we can tell Donald Trump... night night!" Steve Kerr at the Democratic National Convention 🤣

Jayson Sevener Reposted

BREAKING: In a stunning announcement, local GOP leaders in Pennsylvania are banding together to support Kamala Harris. Donald Trump is a threat to democracy and even Republicans acknowledge it. Retweet so all Americans see this.

From Acyn

Jayson Sevener Reposted

PANIC IN RUSSIA Locals are fleeing, shops are closing, & there are queues at gas stations. 👉 Fear not, Russians! The Ukrainian Army 🇺🇦 has arrived to liberate you!

Jayson Sevener Reposted

Holy shit.

Jayson Sevener Reposted

Shocking view into an ordinary Russian soul. The level of hatred is frightening.

Ruská „opozice“: „Sankce proti všem Rusům jsou nefér… Putin není Rusko…“ Mezitím Rusové… CZ titulky

My mind just cannot comprehend the bravery these people show on the frontline every day. #SlavaUkraini

I spent a week for @thetimes with Ukraine’s elite 47th Mechanised Brigade, equipped with M1 Abrams, M2 Bradleys and Paladin artillery. They told me they’re in “deep shit” in the Pokrovsk sector, where the Russians have advanced 6km towards the Donbas town in just over a week.

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Cant wait to begin this new chapter. #slavaukraini

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Jayson Sevener Reposted

Let’s me remind you. Surrender means Russian occupation. Russian occupation means torture, sexual violence, enforced disappearance, denial of your identity, forcible adoption of your own children, filtration camps, and mass graves. Occupation is just another form of the war.

There are free kick takers and then there are free kisk takers. 😱😁

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Jayson Sevener Reposted

He. Encouraged. Russia. To. Invade. Europe. There’s no fucking nuance in what he said. The leader of the Republican Party encouraged Russia to invade Europe. End of story.

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