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Joan Albert Barberà


Unidad de Hipertensión Pulmonar; Consultor Sénior, Servicio de Neumología @hospitalclinic. Investigador @idibaps @CIBERES

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Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

ERJ: The inhaled soluble guanylate cyclase stimulator MK-5475 reduced PVR and was well tolerated in patients with PAH, without evidence of systemic side-effects such as hypotension, suggesting a pulmonary selective pharmacodynamic effect bit.ly/4dJ2nAs

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💥Vitamin D receptor activation slows cell overgrowth 🧫🔬in pulmonary arterial hypertension 🫁 Check out our latest article: nature.com/articles/s4159… Congratulations to all PPV team 💪🏻

Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

💥Vitamin D receptor activation slows cell overgrowth 🧫🔬in pulmonary arterial hypertension 🫁 Check out our latest article: nature.com/articles/s4159… Congratulations to all PPV team 💪🏻

Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

Inscrit! #RespiremAlsCims 💪🏔️

⛰️ Participa en #RespiremAlsCims i ajuda'ns a recaptar fons per @la_marató de TV3, aquest any dedicada a les malalties respiratòries.  Puigmal (2.900 m, Ripollès) Inscripcions obertes 👇 feec.cat/agenda/activit… 📣 Comparteix aquest repte!

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Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

📢 11è Seminari Clínic d'Hipertensió Pulmonar 📅 21 de novembre 🕒 15.00 h 🏥 Sala d’Actes Farreras Valentí ➕ Info i programa 👉 i.mtrbio.com/idmusrvegw

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Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

10.000 catalans moren cada any per malalties com la fibrosi quística, l'MPOC o l'asma. Avui hem donat el tret de sortida a la 33a edició de La Marató, dedicada a les malalties respiratòries. A ple pulmó 🫁 #LaMarató3Cat

Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

🏔️ @NuriaPicas et desafia a participar a Respirem als cims per @la_marato! 📣 Comparteix i suma’t a la causa! 👉 Inscripcions: feec.cat/agenda/activit… #LaMarató3Cat #RespiremAlsCims #SalutRespiratòria #SOCAP #BRN #FEEC @FEEC_cat

Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

The "DELPHI-2 Study" journey continue with our latest publication in Chest: "Role of Exercise Hemodynamics in the Prediction of #PAH in BMPR2 Mutation Carriers" @pulmotension @SPLF_SocPneumo @InsermU999 @HTaPFrance @ChristianGerges @BogaardHarm journal.chestnet.org/article/S0012-…

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Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

🏔️ Ferran Latorre @ferranlatorre ens convida a participar a Respirem als cims per @la_marato! 📣 Comparteix i ajuda’ns a donar visibilitat a la iniciativa! 👉 Inscripcions: feec.cat/agenda/activit… #LaMarató3Cat  #RespiremAlsCims #SalutRespiratòria #SOCAP #BRN #FEEC @FEEC_cat

Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

#OriginalResearch ErbB3 (aka HER3) governs endothelial dysfunction in #PH and circulating ErbB3 may be a potential biomarker/target in pulmonary hypertension #AHAJournals ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CI…

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Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

Imaging the Intersection of Parenchymal Abnormalities and Pulmonary Vascular Pathways @atscommunity 🔓 Open Access 🔗 tinyurl.com/chmzckat

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Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

Scientists from Zibo Central Hospital reported that MiR-181b-5p could serve as a potential biomarker for deep-venous #thrombosis and post-thrombotic syndrome development. Overexpressing this miRNA targeted HEY2 to reduce #endothelial cell damage. bit.ly/3UKEBx8

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Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

Found this in my old notes today, and it hit me: we’re all woven into this world, bound by invisible threads. In the end, we need each other to make the tapestry whole.

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Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

🏔️ Kilian Jornet ens convida a participar en #RespiremAlsCims per @la_marato Uneix-te a ell i ajuda’ns a recaptar fons per la investigació de les malalties respiratòries 📣 Comparteix i fes córrer la veu 👉 Inscripcions feec.cat/agenda/activit… #LaMarató3Cat @FEEC_cat @kilianj

Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

Las enfermedades cardiovasculares🫀 y del sistema respiratorio🫁 siguen estando en el top3 de las principales causas de muerte en España. Todavía queda mucho por hacer, mucho que investigar, mucho que invertir #ConCienciaHayFuturo

Principales causas de muerte 🥇Tumores➡️115.013 🥈Enfermedades del sistema circulatorio➡️114.865 🥉Enfermedades del sistema respiratorio➡️46.807 Estadística de defunciones según la causa de muerte 2023 @es_INE 👇 ine.es/dyngs/INEbase/… #INE

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Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

🆕Seven key genetic profiles associated with the risk of developing major depressive disorder are identified The study has identified different risk profiles associated with depression, which opens the door to more personalized and effective treatments 👉i.mtr.cool/arntgfwsrx

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Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

🏥 Investigadors del #CLÍNIC-@idibaps han participat en un estudi que identifica 7️⃣ perfils genètics clau en el risc de desenvolupar un trastorn depressiu major, el que obre la porta a tractaments més personalitzats i efectius. ➕ info 👉 i.mtr.cool/zyazfjoxxd

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Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

#ConsensusReports: Standardizing collection of data for acute pulmonary embolism for optimal risk stratification, treatment, and follow-up: A consensus report from the Pulmonary Embolism Research Collaborative (PERC). ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.116…

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Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

“This Patient Needs a Doctor, Not a Guideline!” The Zone of Uncertainty in Pulmonary Arterial Wedge Pressure Measurement The authors explore imprecision and errors in the measurement and application of pulmonary arterial wedge pressure @sg_rayner 🔗 bit.ly/3XSh9jf

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Joan Albert Barberà Reposted

ERJ Open Res: Two models with improved ability to predict postoperative pulmonary complications in patients scheduled for lung resection surgery may improve preoperative algorithms as they stratify risk based on more relevant parameters bit.ly/3xUzdyY

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