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Hayder Leo


21 years old guy,manga reader,medicine school

yay Gugure! Kokkuri-san Episode 12 shar.es/1HeN8r via @sharethis

@Otaku__201 نفس الشي هههه

Hayder Leo Reposted

#حيدر_العبادي الرئيس المكلف رسمياً بتشكيل حكومة #العراق الجديدة fb.me/4c5VEBLJW

Hayder Leo Reposted

#الاصلاح: 127 عضوا في #التحالف_الوطني يرشحون #العبادي لرئاسة الوزراء bit.ly/1A7m0tT

Hayder Leo Reposted

عاجل: مصادر: #معصوم يكلف العبادي بتشكيل #الحكومة #العراق

Hayder Leo Reposted

قنبلة تستهدف منزل الشاعر #علي_الامارة وسط #البصرة bit.ly/1nyC2UV

Emmm pls god be merciful with Iraq

eating pizza on breakfast launch dinner WHATS AM I DOING !!!!!

anatomy class bring a brain from the jar and accidentally throw it to the girl i heard a scream not even heard in the best horror movie

Hayder Leo Reposted

WWID (What would Ian Do)? What Ian Would Do If He Had A Celebrity Mentor smosh.com/smosh-pit/arti…

playing slender while my room lights turned off i scared like a little girl

finally no more a slave for facebook :D

my gf like a bear sleeps all the day almost 12 hours what the *****

being a medicine student pain to the ass day 354 no sign for a suitable gf XD

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