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Bang Gunt


I'm limited edition and I'm special

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Bang Gunt Reposted

When you do what you think is right but the outcome is not good, there are two possibilities: 1. Yes, it's the right way, but it's still in progress. 2. It may not be the right way. Try another way!

Bang Gunt Reposted

Don't ask life to be fair with you. Life will never be fair to everyone. The best thing you can do is to learn how to deal with life's unfairness. It's unfair, but it can still be good.

Bang Gunt Reposted

Bad times can come anytime and sometimes it’s out of your control. But the choice to make it simpler or even more complicated, that’s in your control.

Tak ingin mengulang kesalahan yg sama.

Bang Gunt Reposted

If you don't have haters, probably what you are doing is not really significant. Be proud to have some people who don't like you. It means you're doing something!

Bang Gunt Reposted

A pure heart leads to good intentions. Good intentions lead to positive actions. That, in turn, allows for you to make your way to Jannah.

Bang Gunt Reposted

hijrah yang paling mantep adalah hijrah prilaku. dari yang dulu buruk ke baik. bukan hijrah ngaku-ngaku. ibadahnya digenjot tapi diiringi dengan merendahkan teman-teman di sekitarmu. mari kita niatkan berhijrah karena Allah. bukan karena ingin dapet label "orang bener"

Good morning everyone, don't forget start your day with bismillah.

Alhamdulillah for today. Thank's God

Bang Gunt Reposted

ME TIME.. Hendaknya kita punya waktu menyendiri menikmati kebahagiaan, punya Jadual untuk berdoa, berdzikir, shalawat, merenung, istighfar, bertaubat, menata hati dan menyelesaikan kewajiban pribadi. Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingati Allâh hati menjadi tenteram [arRa’du:28]

Bang Gunt Reposted

Mobil Listrik Buatan RI Tak Lama Lagi Produksi Massal dlvr.it/Q6pbB1

Bang Gunt Reposted

ada yang tak pernah pulang, ketika kau menunggu. namun ia datang kembali, ketika kau mulai melangkah.

Bang Gunt Reposted

Jika merasa jalanmu buntu, segera kembali sandarkan hati kepadaNya "Jika Allah menimpakan sesuatu kemudharatan kepadamu, maka tidak ada yang dapat menghilangkannya kecuali Dia. Dan jika Allah menghendaki kebaikan bagimu, maka tak ada yang dapat menolak kurniaNya" [QS Yunus: 107]

Bang Gunt Reposted

Start everything with Bismillah. We need every good deed possible. May Allah accept all our good deeds and forgive all our sins.

Bang Gunt Reposted

It's not easy, but it's not impossible.

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