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Господин Виљушка


Artist formerly known as Chika Velya


#Genocid nad Srbima pocinjen u regiji Bihaca u tadasnjoj #NDH od strane komsija muslimana i Hrvata, a gurnut pod tepih od strane komunista, u cilju “bratstva i jedinstva”. PEDESET HILJADA CIVILA pobijeno u periodu od 4 godine! Pamtimo #Garavice ! youtu.be/VFz3peCMQyA?si…

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Five years ago, Dobrina Prodanović died at the age of 83. She was the bereaved mother whose photo of her weeping over the bones of her murdered son became famous. Dobrina became the symbol of the silenced suffering of the Serbian 🇷🇸 people in Bosnia and the Balkans. 1/2 ⬇️

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eUropske vrednosti 👇

Штрбац: Ако се усвоје измјене Закона о гробљима, уклањање ћирилице обухватиће већи број споменика rtrs.tv/vijesti/vijest…

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Зборник докумената: УСТАШКА ЗВЕРСТВА (1941–1942) jadovno.com #pokolj via@jadovno1941 http://jadovno.com/zbornik-dokume…

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Господин Виљушка Reposted

Ethnic cleansing and genocide were the policies of the Croatian Ustasa during world war 2. The goal of expelling a third of the Serbs from the independent state of Croatia would become true 60 years later during operation Oluja. #serbia #croatia

Men multitasking at its best! 😲💪😂

Possibly the greatest single male athletic performance of all time

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Савет светог Козме Етолског У Елбасану, са православним свештеником «Који Хришћанин, човек или жена, обећава да у своме дому неће говорити арбанашки нека устане да ми то каже и ја ћу све његове грехе узети на своју душу, откако се родио да сада, а позваћу и све хришћане да


He sense of humor is amazing 😂 bbc.com/news/world-eur…

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🧵On the night of 15 to 16 November 1991, 22 Serbian 🇷🇸 civilians, including 3 children and a baby, were massacred in their homes by criminal Croatian 🇭🇷 "ZNG" militia on Nikola Demonja street in Borovo Naselje, north of Vukovar. An atrocious crime that went unpunished. 1/6 ⬇️

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As media question the alleged scale of Serb atrocities, Washington says it’s using ‘the best estimates available’ - Clinton insists ‘things are ‘even worse than we imagined’. Imagination certainly played its part! rebrand.ly/lcj2lvi

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Former US congressman Ted Poe speaking about serbia in the US congress. "Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer" 🥴 #serbia #srbija

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Преносимо молбу за помоћ Мати Гликерије за дом Манастира Св. Петка Изворска. Манастир има у стационару преко 80 тешко болесних штићеника, од тога 40 је непокретно, а преостали болују или од Дауновог синдрома, или од епилепсије или од Паркинсонове болести. Збринуте су и ментално

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Трајање НДХ се захваљујући Степинцу а не усташама претворило у крсташки рат против православних Срба да ова творевина после геноцида постане и опстане као католичка држава прва сила на Балкану. Овом идејом и геноцидном политиком према Србима НДХ је постала конкурент „царској“

Господин Виљушка Reposted

Operation Storm/Oluja, a lecture in ethnic cleansing and how to get away with it. #serbia#croatia

Da li se ovde lizalo i nesto osim cizama ovaj put?..

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Господин Виљушка Reposted

Marine Pen dropped her pants multiple times to stay in the political game. - betrayed her father Jean Marie Le Pen. - kneeled to the Zionists - went from anti-EU to unconditional EU lapdog role - backed NATO, going against long time anti-NATO stance her father had - demonised…

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Being an "undertaker" is a very lucrative business in Ukraine today.

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Quite something to hear the upcoming US Secretary of Defense admit that the US would lose its "whole power projection system" in the first 20 minutes of a war with China 👇 "The Pentagon has a perfect record in all of its war games against China: we lose…

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Aнa Пoжaр: Гдje гoд смo у Jaсeнoвцу бушили, нaшли смo кoсти jadovno.com #pokolj via@jadovno1941 http://jadovno.com/ana-pozar-gdje…

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Ajmo RT ceo niz molim Ako ima zainteresovanih za naručivanje DIMLJENOG ŠARANA za Svetog Nikolu - imaću slobodnu pušnicu za nekih 50-ak kilograma za poručivanje. Može isporuka u BG za neku razumnu količinu. Cena će biti: NABAVNA CENA ŠARANA + 250 din po kg žive vage. ide niz ⬇️

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Na turskom se, mislim, kaze “hajvan” 🤡

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Umesto sto uci kolokvijalni- sto ne upises dete na kurs knjizevnog turskog jezika?

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