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Gregor Pobezin


Classicist, Greek and Roman culture/history professor, cultural historian, author. RT not necessarily endorsement. ORCID 0000-0002-3418-9767

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The fight I want to watch.

However, Greek adorns the tomb of Christ, not Latin. New Testament was written in Greek, not Latin. Even the tomb of St Peter beneath the Vatican, identified as His because it bore an inscription in Greek. So, in what way are Latin superior? Creating fake spells for J.K.Rowling?

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Gregor Pobezin Reposted

The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Epic, edited by Emma Greensmith, out at the end of this month cambridge.org/core/books/cam…

Gregor Pobezin Reposted

Hello world! Project #InTaVia still running on - this time being presented with a use case in Graz in the "European Cultural Memory in its Digitalization" conference! #DimensionsOfEurope #FieldsOfExcellence

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Gregor Pobezin Reposted

Upam, da to naleti na prava ušesa. Imam prijateljico Anjo, ki se bori z zelo hudo boleznijo in krčevito išče koga s kontaktom na področju nevrokirurgije/onkologije v tujini. Švica, Nemčija, Anglija, ZDA … Je mamica komaj 1-letnemu fantku, res zasluži vse možnosti tega sveta. 🙏

Gregor Pobezin Reposted

Carl Sagan on books "What an astonishing thing a book is. It’s a flat object made from a tree with flexible parts on which are imprinted lots of funny dark squiggles. But one glance at it and you’re inside the mind of another person, maybe somebody dead for thousands of years."

Gregor Pobezin Reposted

NOW HIRING: Junior Professor with Senior Professor experience open to Postdoc salary

The age of the most vulgar decay.

This post is unavailable.

Gregor Pobezin Reposted

You look at the stars, my star. Would I were heaven, to look at you with many eyes! Anth. Pal. 7.669, attributed to Plato. 'Among the most beautiful in the Anthology' according to D.L. Page.

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Gregor Pobezin Reposted

Academic ironies

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Gregor Pobezin Reposted

They ask: Authors to pay 30-100$ to download their own article Individuals to pay 30-100$ to download a single article Institutions to pay 5.000-50.000$ for articles in “curated set of journals”.

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Gregor Pobezin Reposted

Anja Petek, Patricija Verdev, Ana Baumgartner in Urša Kešar so v Himalaji preplezale 4 prvenstvene smeri. 👏 Izstopa 2000-metrska smer Here comes the sun na neosvojen šesttisočak Lalung I (6243 m).🙌 Poklon za vrhunske vzpone, motivacijo in timski duh. 😍 pzs.si/novice.php?pid…

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Gregor Pobezin Reposted

Predstavljajte si ogromno knjižnico z milijoni knjig, v kateri želite najti najprimernejšo za bralca z zelo posebnimi interesi. Preučiti vse knjige bi vzelo izjemno veliko časa. Čudovito bi bilo, če bi bil v knjižnici še pameten knjižničar, ki bi ne le predlagal ustrezno knjigo,…

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Gregor Pobezin Reposted
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Gregor Pobezin Reposted

The opacity of academic prose arises from the epistemological imperative to operationalize disciplinary jargon, facilitating intra-specialized discourse while obfuscating heterogenous interpretive accessibility and perpetuating a recursive dialectic of erudition and exclusion.

Why is academic writing so awful?

Rdeča, bela, plava, modernizem, socializem, Tomos! delo.si/novice/sloveni…

Gregor Pobezin Reposted

The Acropolis of Athens ✨

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