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Mc Reet


Joined March 2013
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Paulo Ricardo photo


Não são as nossas ideias que nos fazem otimistas ou pessimistas, mas o otimismo e o pessimismo de origem fisiológica que fazem as nossas ideias.


FvPrado's tweet image. 😂😂😂

A alegria de fazer o bem é a única felicidade verdadeira.

Sem whats aaaa kkk

Mc Reet Reposted

Ten Evidence Based Recommendations for controlling COVID. Excellent article in @NatureMedicine authored by @cspramesh @paimadhu @PSampathkumarMD @GKangInd @spkalantri @epigiri @PrakashLab @DrJoyeeta and others. nature.com/articles/s4159…

VincentRK's tweet image. Ten Evidence Based Recommendations for controlling COVID. 

Excellent article in @NatureMedicine authored by @cspramesh @paimadhu @PSampathkumarMD @GKangInd @spkalantri @epigiri @PrakashLab @DrJoyeeta and others. nature.com/articles/s4159…

Mc Reet Reposted

In medicine, if you never change your mind when new evidence is available, or if you never acknowledge that you can be wrong, you are probably making a lot of mistakes; you simply don't notice them.

Ontem a Rede Globo de televisão mostrou o tratamento que o ator Paulo Gustavo está fazendo na UTI de um hospital no Rio de Janeiro. Gostaria de saber qual a mortalidade dos pacientes que vão pra ECMO com COVID-19? Qual índice de sucesso ?

Mc Reet Reposted

#destaquesagosto Brasil gasta 3,5x mais com salários de servidores federais, estaduais e municipais do que com Saúde. Em 2019, R$ 928 bilhões foram gastos para pagar sevidores. Será que nossas prioridades estão corretas? economia.estadao.com.br/noticias/geral… #reformaadmnistrativajá

A única certeza ?!

Autopsy Findings and Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With COVID-19: A Prospective Cohort Study annals.org/aim/fullarticl…

Dr_Cit's tweet image. Autopsy Findings and Venous Thromboembolism in Patients With COVID-19: A Prospective Cohort Study annals.org/aim/fullarticl…

Mc Reet Reposted

I have never seen so many experts in mechanical ventilation, ICU and public health like these days with #COVID19 we really need football back so we can all go back to being expert football managers on social media

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