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Brian Fouts


missionary in Romania

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Beautiful sunset tonight @ Budacul-De-Jos, Bistrita-Nasaud, Romania instagram.com/p/CDcEj8PJbjT/…

Duminica de la ora 10:00 va invitam sa ascultati un mesaj intitulat "Isus prietenul pacatosilor",prezentat de Brian Fouts.Sunteti invitati la sediul bisericii noastre pe str Independentei nr 99a sau sa ne urmariti… instagram.com/p/CCzBItvp-1U/…

So Cynthia came up with a keto friendly cold brew lemonade which rocks. instagram.com/p/CCqN7qApfCs/…

Va asteptam in dimineata aceasta sa ne uramariti live incepand cu ora 10:00 pe pagina noastra de facebook,pentru un mesaj intitulat "Autoritatea de a ierta pacatele". instagram.com/p/CCQCkyXpUUL/…

Va asteptam maine dimineata de la ora 10:00 la biserica(B-dul independentei 99a) pentru a asculta mesajul intitulat "Autoritate asupra fortelor spirituale".Cei care nu puteti veni,aveti posibilitatea de a urmari… instagram.com/p/CB92hEFJ6D_/…

You know you have reached some weird level in parenting when you begin raiding your daughter's nail polish inventory. #whereitallpaysoff instagram.com/p/CB420QjpWk_/…

You know it's bad when even your trees have had enough. instagram.com/p/CByF0-XJg08/…

Duminica de la ora 10:00 va asteptam sa fiti alturi de noi live pe pagina de facebook facebook.com/calvarychapelb… pentru un mesaj despre autoritatea Domnului Isus . instagram.com/p/CBq_LbIJyDa/…

It's a good sign when the vizsla is happily laying down after going for a run. instagram.com/p/CBKvCxzp9bJ/…

Got out for ride in a new area after church. Something to be said for quietly riding alone in the midst of beautiful countryside. instagram.com/p/CBI9ewZJCSf/…

Dumnezeul dispus sa vindece.Partea a 3-a. Ne vedem live Duminica de la ora 10:00. instagram.com/p/CBGltYjpnhL/…

This is how a couple of the critters went to the vet today for vaccinations. Siegan our schnauzer loved it. The cat, Mr. Darcy, was not a fan. instagram.com/p/CBGWiHgJR81/…

Took some of the girls for a ride today. They did so good and had a lot of fun. In fact everybody wants to do it again. @ Padurea Shulevard instagram.com/p/CBGWFq6JVPi/…


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