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Wanita #Leo akan sangat bahagia jika ia diperlakukan romantis oleh pasangannya.

#Leo berjiwa pemimpin, sedikit egois tapi ketahulah bahwa Leonian memiliki hati yang sangat baik

#Leo rela berkorban demi orang yang disayangi nya.

"@ZodiacFacts: How to get a #Leo Back: Show them that you're better off without them and they will come running back." I wouldn't care tbh"

#Leo will not put any efforts into something that they think it will not work, will not waste their energy.

Music always puts #Leo in a better mood.

"@BestofLeo: All men love #Leo women and all women wanna be a #Leo."

#Leo harsh words may hurt your feelings now but their silence will break your heart.

#Leo ketika kmu sudah berada dalam sebuah hubungan, pastikan untuk tidak membiarkan kepercayaan diri Anda berlebihan. #TipsCinta"

#Leo can understand your side of a situation without agreeing with you.

#Leo don't like when someone keeps staring at them.”"

"@LeoGirlZodiac: Sikap #Leo itu lembut, terlampau peramah, mudah didekati, mudah bergaul, senang diajak berbicara, tp sekaligus sensitif."

"@TipeZodiak: #Leo adalah pribadi yg pandai memilih teman, mudah panik, pemalas, tapi sangat analitis"

With #Leo cheating is a choice, not a mistake. Loyalty is a responsibility, not a choice.

#Leo don't give someone their everything, if they don't give them their anything.

A #Leo never competes with anyone because we feel we are better by default." !!"

If you keep pissing them off #Leo will punch you by accident on purpose.

Once #Leo feel betrayed by someone they can never look at the person the same way again.

A #Leo needs to feel needed and wants to know they are loved before they can totally commit.

Horoscope LEO Reposted

#Leo adalah pribadi yg setia, tidak mudah marah, murah hati dan rela berkorban


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