@ErinChiou Profile picture

Erin Chiou


Associate Professor of Human Systems Engineering @ASU I study automation design for humans

Joined October 2011
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Improving wisdom of crowd effects study design in a task that is very much like bird count, estimating number of birds in the sky. I played a very small role on this paper but remain continually impressed by the talented people I get to work with at ASU: nature.com/articles/s4159…

A panoply of questionnaires have been used to assess people's trust perceptions of technology. @AreenAlsaid and @mengyaoli87 used text analysis to make sense of them all, and offer some guidelines on how to select one from the pool: doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.…

Erin Chiou Reposted

🥳🎉Dr!! 🎓 Zahra Zahedi @zahraz_ 🥳🎉🍾 Computational Accounts of Trust in Human-#AI Interaction Defense video: youtube.com/watch?v=-bpc7_… Thesis: zahrazahedi28.github.io/thesis/ Committee: @ErinChiou, @sidsrivast and Yu (Tony) Zhang

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📢 Yochanite Zahra Zahedi @ZahraZ__ is all set to defend her Ph.D. dissertation--on the very timely topic of trust in human-#AI interaction--tomorrow Nov 2nd 10AM MST. (DM for zoom link, if you would like to attend..) 👉 zahrazahedi28.github.io/thesis/

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So much wisdom and concrete strategies at the personal and organizational level from Drs. Renaldo Blocker and Rod Roscoe, with fantastic moderation by Ninica Howard. Highly recommend viewing the recording if you missed it.

As part of the HFES Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Webinar Series, the BIPOC AG is hosting a webinar September 19th entitled "Successes and Barriers of Establishing a Meaningful DEI Program: Beyond Only Diverse Representation. This webinar is free. @HFES #HumanFactors #Diversity

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Erin Chiou Reposted

📢Why Domain Expertise is important📢 🤨I was looking at a Kaggle Animal Image dataset and saw a picture of a ✨SUSPICIOUSLY✨ fake-looking crab in the dataset. 🦀My student instantly knew it was from a Music Video called "Crab Rave" and confirmed it was a fake crab.

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This paper took a few years, but to me it was a really satisfying collaboration with awesome computer science and statistics colleagues to study how model uncertainty visualizations impact people's reliance on the model: ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10058…. More to come from this group...

At the gym with Missy Cummings on CNN #humanfactors #hfes #safety

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Read about our recent work with @CAOE_ASU investigating trustable AI for intelligence and security applications. research.asu.edu/trust-verify-q…

Devastated and a bit concerned that this is my actual mentorship style but with paper writing.

Nathan Foad has arrived!

"What I find best and most important of all: no science fiction here, just every day life. ...All inventors improving our lives, all Black. And every one of these creative contributions is used every day… not just in February." hfes.org/HFES-News/not-…

Please. No more software, robotics, or autonomous systems degree programs that don't include a basic human systems engineering requirement.

As far as safety goes, Tesla Autopilot is designed to be taken over by a human before it gets into a dangerous situation. You'd think perception-reaction time would be an important consideration for this... BUT HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT IS.

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At Scottsdale Fine Arts Festival had a great convo about non-objective v abstract art, object-oriented v functional programming, and realized that definitions of automation that focus on ability are more like oop and Sheridan's relational def is like fp. #STEAM

New paper out with Virginia Tech colleagues on barriers and opportunities for using quadruped robots in construction inspection and monitoring (free access until Feb 26): sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

Erin Chiou Reposted

Are you are conducting research on trust and wondering which trust questionnaire to use? Check out our new paper psyarxiv.com/5eyur/ and Web App areen.shinyapps.io/Trust_explorer/ to help you compare different questionnaires and select the one that fits your research needs!

Feeling overwhelmed by review requests, even more so now that I'm an AE and requesting reviews from others. I am wondering what others' decision trees look like for doing this work? When to say yes/no as the unending requests come in? #phdchat #AcademicChatter

Today's opening plenary on DEIBA and HFE was like attending a silent rock concert I was head banging so hard in the back (nodding vigorously in agreement) #HFES2022 Great moderation by SQ and excellent panelists.

Ron Boring giving interesting remarks in A601 on the history of HRA and where it looks to be going. But I still need to know if I should go out and buy a bolo after this. #hfes2022 #safety


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