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Elevated Fortune


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Gold: “He that goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing.”

Great lines from Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard’s Almanac: “Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.” “Rather go to bed supperless than rise in debt.” “Buy what thou hast no need of, and thou shalt sell thy necessities." “He that goes a borrowing…

Many of us are so caught up in our ideas and building that we forget that, ultimately, humans enable success or failure. A human that will buy our product. A human that will invest in our product. A human that will talk about our product. A human we can partner with.

Elevated Fortune Reposted

You are not boring, you are building.

Elevated Fortune Reposted

Most people over complicate business. It’s buy low, get in front of people, sell high. Over and over. Don’t over complicate - the tools always change but business does not.

Anyone can put a website up. Get your first sale.

Elevated Fortune Reposted

Credit card debt is the real pandemic. This must be fixed.

Stop looking for your savior. They don't exist. Extract any useful knowledge to your current situation and move on.

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I’m gonna give 10 random people that repost this and follow me $25,000 for fun (the $250,000 my X video made) I’ll pick the winners in 72 hours

There are a lot of ways to make it in business. And here’s the real deal: you don’t have to be that smart. Just a little creative.

The path to wealth is very boring. You are looking for something like a feeling of winning a lotto ticket. The reality is you are just accumulating assets, selling assets and managing investments.

Elevated Fortune Reposted

"Don’t compare your inside to someone else’s outside." –Kevin Kelly

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Do your part, be patient and magical things will happen.

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Elevated Fortune Reposted

Worrying is just praying for a future you don’t want.

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The most life-changing words someone ever said to me: "I think you're capable of much more."

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Wealth isn't about buying cool things. Wealth is about becoming so sovereign you can say no to anything anytime.

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A client of mine: Passively owns a biz generating $1m+ in profit for him each year. Owns and buys real estate every year and gets a big chunk of bonus depreciation. Pays NOTHING in taxes each year. The ability to compound wealth this way over time is mind blowing.

Setting Goals? Answer these 3 questions: 1. What is the Result you want? 2. Why do you want it? (Meaning and Purpose) 3. What is the 20% of Actions you need to focus on relentlessly to achieve your goal? Make sure you are aligned and accountable on the above.

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Every day is hell and heaven at the same time.

What are you waiting for? Build Your Empire. Learn the only 6 steps you need to create generational wealth.  (They can be done by anyone) Reveal The Wealth Model: ElevatedFortune.com

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