@Dzal11 Profile picture

Dzal Wilshere


Hidup jangan hanya sekedar hidup, Hidup itu harus dinikmati dan dibuat lebih berwarna.

Joined June 2013

I'm not trying to have you completely, but I just wanted to keep and protect you forever.

you shut up with a million languages ​​... if this is the best decision for you, do it until you feel satisfied. # Stubborn

Dzal Wilshere Reposted

What an important result against Russia last night. http://t.co/3OfDXEvahk

Tweet Image 1

Dzal Wilshere Reposted

Enjoying my holiday!!! 〽1Ö instagram.com/p/aTo_hQQsy-/

Jangan begadang mulu lah, tidurnya harus cukup... **met tidur All**

Hadeuh,,, malem minggu ujan"an... *Dingin* enak'e ngapain ea klo keadaann lgi ujan gni ???...

Nongkrong bareng kawan dgn segelas es susu & sebatang rokok...

Kerja kya gni nih yg W demen . . .

Meskipun lemes tapi hruz ttep smangat...

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