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Metabool Gezond: #Osteopathie en #kPNI #Beuningen. #integrativehealth #lifestyleasmedicine #finditfixitleaveitalone #curious #stilllearning

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mijnosteopaat.nl Reposted

Volgende week in De Keto Podcast: leefstijlinternist dr. Yvo Sijpkens. Yvo is ambassadeur voor Therapeutische Koolhydraat Restrictie bij leefstijlziektes. In dit interview vertelt hij hoe hij hiermee kennismaakte en waarom hij dit wil uitdragen. ketogenicsinstitute.com/de-keto-podcas…

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Al even niet meer op Twitter geweest. Vakantie laat je weer dingen doen die je deed. Het afgelopen jaar Metabool Gezond opgericht. Doel: kennis verspreiden om weer metabool gezond te worden. Nieuwsgierig? metaboolgezond.nl

Het effect van suikers

Sugar. Explained in seventeen seconds.

mijnosteopaat.nl Reposted

"Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of sick people. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people." Hadn't considered that before. 🤔 Can't find the origin of the quote.

More data on Covid-19 and (pre)diabetes #metaboolsyndroom #metabolicsyndrome #metsyn

I don't need to provide a commentary for this. You can drop your blood glucose, insulin and diabetic physiology within a shockingly short time with the correct diet and lifestyle interventions. This cannot fail to help mitigate this crisis. #Coronavirus thefatemperor.com/news-bulletin-…

mijnosteopaat.nl Reposted

📊 France, Spain and Germany are about 9 to 10 days behind Italy in #COVID19 progression; the UK and the US follow at 13 to 16 days. In Italy we waited too long, these countries should really start implementing aggressive containment measures now.

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mijnosteopaat.nl Reposted

Een nuttige grafiek om de verspreiding #COVID2019NL beter te begrijpen. Genormaliseerd voor de Nederlandse bevolking volgen we de uitbraak zoals in Italië. Als je de verhalen uit de Italiaanse ziekenhuizen hoort, begrijp je waarom dat een probleem gaat worden. #COVID19 #COVIDー19

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11 redenen waarom voetballers hun darmflora moeten verzorgen knack.be/s/r/c/1568349 via @sportvoetbal

Do statins really work? Who benefits? Who has the power to cover up the side effects? europeanscientist.com/en/features/do…

Growth mindset vs fixed mindset 🤷‍♂️ youtu.be/MmVCYqs3mko

mijnosteopaat.nl Reposted

If 2.4 million years of human evolution were a clock *agriculture started at 11:54 P.M. *we've been eating ultra-processed foods for about 4 seconds.

mijnosteopaat.nl Reposted

Let's build our army. Re-tweet if this applies to you : I unfollowed the Govt eating guidelines, I eliminated sugar, grain & seed oils, replaced them with an animal protein & fat based WOE and a whole host of things improved in my body composition, health & LIFE #closetocarnivore

mijnosteopaat.nl Reposted

"An estimation conducted by the Archimedes model confirms that insulin resistance is the most important single cause of CAD. ...in otherwise healthy subjects ... either lean or obese independently of other cardiovascular risk factors." @FatEmperor sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

mijnosteopaat.nl Reposted

Both makes lots of money - Big food feeds us "crap" and getting us sick. Big Pharma making "pills" to get us "better" symptomatic short term. Who pays the ultimate price in long term? The public pays w/ their money, tears, and suffering before death arrives.

Metabolic health is a sequence of events/actions that result in normal weight, healthy heart and glucose function. Big Pharma ignores the root causes of incomplete sequence. Big Food disrupts the sequence with junk. #Keto #LCHF #Carnivore + #HIITworkout complete the sequence.


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