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Just Abidin ❤️ #AbSun #YavLey 🥰

Joined August 2010
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❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #yavley

He invited her to dinner. Son, that girl doesn't love you. "BUT I LOVE HER MOM, I LOVE HER." #HudutsuzSevda #YavLey #NezirÇınarlı #YarenYapıcı

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Dax89 Reposted

Центар Београда. Да знају сви.

I don't believe why Seyran and Abidin are doing this. Seyran was wrong. Abidin was always with her. Her enemies Ifakat and Halis are great for her and Abidin is no good. What about Seyran? #YaliÇapkini

Seyran Abidine resmen tuzak kurdu ama belki bu sayede Abidin artık gerçekten yanında kimlerin olduğunu fark eder. Abidin istediğini alamadığı için yine bilenicek yok ama yaa #AbSun ‘a mutluluk haram galiba #YalıÇapkını

I think that all the actors should leave the series so that Seyfer fans only watch them. I don't understand why they hate Suna so much. If seyfer are the main characters, it doesn't mean that we only have to watch them #YalıÇapkını #AbSun

Dax89 Reposted

Данас је један од најтежих дана у послератној историји града Новог Сада. Ово је велика трагедија и за Нови Сад и за целу Србију. У име Владе Републике Србије, у своје лично име и у име свих грађана желим да изразим саучешће породицама старадалих. Захваљујем се спасиоцима,…

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Sorry, but Steven and Lucy from the #TellMeLiesSeason2 series are seriously ill.

The first picture shows Suna's fear of sick 💩 The second picture shows Suna's fear for her LOVE. That's the difference, sick people, and finally fuck off #AbSun #TaroEmirTekin

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#AbSun ❤️

“Annemin kokusunu aldılar, çaldılar benden.” #AbSun’um sizi o kadar çok özlemişim ki. Ersin Arıcı & Beril Pozam 👏 #YalıÇapkını

Dax89 Reposted
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For me, the theory that Abidin is Halis's grandson is still better.I don't like it at all that Halis killed his parents. He will go after the Halis. That means Ferit as well, although I don't like Ferit, but a conflict will break out between #AbSun and #SeyFer because of the fool

Is it possible that every trailer is just a seyfer????? You are really boringggggggg #YaliCapkini

Does anyone see the years of birth and death on his monument, I'm sorry, but I don't think he can be Abi's father. Suna is not sure, I still think that Abi is the son of Emin #AbSun

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #AbSun

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I see that some kaka fans are watching this series, that's why their rating was bad #TaroEmirTekin


If Kazim hears that Abi is Kornah, he will take advantage of it. Suna struggles in vain to hide it, but the evil Kazim will use everything #AbSun

As I understand it, Suna asked that Abi no longer work for Korhan. Maybe she found out and is protecting him from them finding out and that's why she told him not to work there #AbSun

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