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Gatekeeper of https://t.co/cwcDK2tyWO I `$ sudo` everything

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Today is when I officially start development of 'BolehLand'. This will be one for the history books for sure. P/S: Will pin this as a reminder to self everytime Im lazy, that I am a man of my words and shall deliver as promised.

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as it turns out, i do happen to be acquainted through a mutual friend with the 'client bosses'. so, yeah, funny huh, how things turned out. the truth always prevails

im much older now and im learning to be a bigger man. if i was younger, things would have gone south before he could say 'selamat hari raya', in a bloody manner.

you call someone out on a business matter, anonymously in a public space. then the person being called apologized (even when he/she didnt have to), but the person calling out just 'non-chalantly' says 'i accept your apology'.tf.this is a passive aggressive statement.

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SP3CK Reposted

Visiting space aliens, upon seeing humans oppress — or kill — one another over who they worship, who they sleep with, what side of an arbitrary line they’re born on, or how absorptive their skin is to sunlight, would surely race home & report no sign of intelligent life on Earth.

Fuck it. Jumping of the deep-end. Developing a custom blockchain it is then. Branching-off from game dev (im at a point where i really need to decide on a back end. will return once i have a basic tech stack), into some tasty, anxiety-inducing blockchain dev. HUAT AH!

Currently choosing a proper back-end for BolehLand/BolehStreet. I am torn between: 1. A centralized DBMS (old SQooL). Or a live services backend (UGS, PRAGMA, BEAMABLE). 2. Blockchain-as-a-service (Moralis). 3. Develop my own blockchain (BolehChain)

After not much thought, I would like to welcome **VladimirTheCat** to the **BOLEHLAND DEV TEAM**. He's yet to touch the keyboard...

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SP3CK Reposted

An important goal for #crypto

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Programmers really jump to the core of philosophical questions reddit.com/r/programmerhu…

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SP3CK Reposted

Writing comments in code reddit.com/r/programmerhu…

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SP3CK Reposted

In the 90s this was a whole evening's entertainment

SP3CK Reposted

I hope it is Python version 3.xx

Installing Python

Anon might think I was asleep after my last tweet. Assure you, I wasn't. Been grinding hard up to the point where 'curse words' have made their way into the code. Not a good sign... #HeyMakcikPagiPagiBuatBisingApaNi?

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SP3CK Reposted

Having children is the biological purpose of life Even putting all the fulfillment and happiness aside that children add it's crazy how unpopular it has become I'd rather not be the person in my endless line of succession that dates back to the first humans that just gives up.

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How I see jetbrains users reddit.com/r/programmerhu…

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Who need so much servers? reddit.com/r/programmerhu…

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